Sunday, May 16, 2021

5/16/21 What Are You Smoking, Liz Cheney?

     I really am trying not to fall into just being a Trump fanboy as Boy would call me, but I listened to Liz Cheney talking after she was removed from her position as house leader and the words coming out of her mouth just didn't make sense.  She is still being bull headed saying she will do everything in her power to keep President Trump from making another run at the presidency in 2024.  I could listen to her six months ago and think "maybe she knows something."  But we have now witnessed the first 100 days of Biden, the president with the highest voter turnout, over 80 million votes, yet can't seem to get more than 10 million people following him on Twitter.

    In the last 4-5 months, Biden has made the border a humanitarian crisis, he basically rang the triangle and invited everyone south of the border to "come on down, we'll give you aid and citizenship."  That may seem great but does he realize he is helping to ruin the future of those countries if all the young hungry people flee, all that will remain will be the old and the unmotivated.  These are not just rumors and hearsay, Wife and my family have stories and have even seen action where border patrol are continuously stopping cars with illegals and then having to hunt the people running out of the cars all over the small towns like La Pryor, which is an hour away from the border.  Wife was having about daily "lockdowns" at the school because of this.  Biden created this, Trump had it under control constantly bringing attention to the problem with his call to build the border wall.

    Biden just had his first jobs report and although there were more than 7 million jobs available, only 260 thousand people went back to work.  Why would they if the government is paying more than what they would earn with the increased unemployment benefits?  Biden is paying these people to stay home, with taxpayer money, not his personal account.  Under Trump and before Covid-19, Trump had the lowest unemployment numbers for Blacks, Hispanics, things were going great.  Not to mention, we had become oil independent and gas prices were really nice around $2/gallon here in Texas.  Biden's first Executive Order killed a pretty big pipeline project and just this week, most of the east coast was in fear of running out of fuel as some group was able to take control of a pipeline and the white house barely said a word other than "get used to this happening."

    Trump had been nominated for 3 Nobel Peace Prizes for brokering peace deals with North and South Korea, Israel and the United Arab Emirates, and Serbia and Kosovo.  These are tangible deals and help bring real peace to the world and I don't think Trump got any real credit for any of this work.  Meanwhile, 5 months into 2021 and we have high tensions as Russia threatens to attack Ukraine, Israel and Palestine are at it again, it's like they have nothing to fear.  Like it or not, Trump is the first modern president not to get us into a war.  If anything, that actually sounds un-American but it is actually a good thing and can happen when you focus on being an Isolationist country and staying out of other's  business.

Trump's only negative is that he calls bullshit as he sees it, calling CNN "fake news" which has been proven to be true on more than one count, such as calling the riots "peaceful protests" while filming buildings on fire in the background, fucking idiots.  He also tends to speak his mind and is not like most politicians, which was refreshing, he didn't put pretty words to things when they didn't merit them and that is a rarity nowadays.

    So what part of this was bad for Liz Cheney?  These are some of the reasons we are leaning towards saying this was the best president ever, and he was entertaining to boot, if you don't have a stick up your ass.  Wife followed him on Twitter because he said some goofy outlandish shit, but Wife always saw him as funny.

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