Monday, May 10, 2021

5/10/21 Weird Call From Neighbor?

     We were minding our own business today in San Antonio at my in-law's house trying to celebrate Mother's Day when my neighbor texted me.  I saw his text and instantly was bothered, thinking "what now?"  It's not like they ever text to say hi.  It is always something we need to do for their betterment of life.  I didn't even understand the two pics they sent without any words.  The first one was a broken pot, like one that holds plants, made out of orange ceramic, and I thought "uh, ok?"  The second picture was of one of my palm trees, but there was no description of what I was looking at.  I had to ask "what am I looking at?"  This got them texting about a large raccoon that is supposedly living in the palm tree and there was a loud ruckus around midnight.  I heard it and for a second even thought there might be someone in the backyard, but I didn't have the energy to go looking outside.  Well, I guess they did.  I guess in there heads, the fight or whatever led to something being thrown from the tree and causing their ceramic pot to break.

    I am unsure if this is even the case, and it's not like I own the raccoon, they live out there in the wild.  I wasn't sure if they were just notifying me to keep an eye out for the raccoons or if they expect me to get rid of said raccoons.  He started telling me about a tree service that can come and take care of the tree, which I am not paying for.  I'll cut the tree down myself before I pay good money for that.  I can't tell if the neighbor is trying to be a concerned citizen to warn me and help me out or if he is being a pain in the ass wanting me to go outside right now and make his life better.  Either way, I told him I was trying to enjoy my day at my in-law's, I would deal with the pesky raccoon later, not even sure I have to, it is a wild animal and I lay no claim to it.

    Why can't people just mind their own business?  I have never called a neighbor or anyone to complain about something if theirs that bothers me and the other neighbor's dog has me wishing I could just put some bowls of antifreeze out there for them to shut them up.  I know it is illegal, so I wouldn't but how come it's okay for their dogs to bark at all hours?  I wouldn't just let my son sit on the patio and blast his stereo or guitar and amp at full volume at odd hours because I understand noise pollution is not cool.  I guess my neighbor's don't give a shit, but as much as it bother me, I wouldn't call them to whine about it.  Occasionally, I do yell at the dogs to shut the fuck up, if I am trying to chill outside and they are going off.

    Anyways, as if I didn't have enough on my plate right now, I have to add knocking down to palm trees here in the next few weeks, whenever I get a chance.

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