Saturday, May 15, 2021

5/15/21 House Got A Good Cleaning?

     This week felt like the week to really pull my sleeves up and clean like I hadn't done in a long time with Wife triumphantly returning to take control of her household, it felt like the thing to do.  I started on Monday which I used part of the day to declutter the front room where we have the pool table.  That becomes defacto storage when we bring things in the house.  Since we had gone to Crystal City two times for separate funerals, it worked perfectly to fill the SUV with things she had taken down to her apartment.  When we brought everything into the house, we just kind of threw everything into that room.  I found a place for most everything, honestly, it was stuff that had been in the house, except for a few things she had bought.  Tuesday I decluttered the foyer, we had something like 50 pair of shoes all over the entryway, so they all went to their respective owner's rooms.  I swept the entrance while I was at it, I also mopped it, maybe the first or second time I have ever done it, Wife usually does it while yelling at us.  I then started cleaning Boy's "lab" room, where he keeps his 3D printers.  Boy is very creative but he is missing the clean gene.  He just lets trash pile up all around him, I think because of his ADHD or whatever, he can't focus on organizing, or he's just an asshole.  Either way, I end up cleaning around him every few months after I can't take his mess anymore.  His GF was doing an excellent job of keeping him in check, or cleaning for him, but she has moved back to her mom's house.  Thursday I didn't mean to, but walking into the "weightroom" downstairs I swore I could smell poop, DD had his dog in there with him when he stayed with us and maybe there was some residue or something, but I ended up steam cleaning the room really good, giving it about 4-5 passes which seems to have helped.

    Yesterday, I went at it all day.  I moved the furniture around in the family room where we have the projector, moving our "ghetto bed" from the other room to this one, I have been wanting to do this idea for years, and I think it looks okay, for now.  We got used to having our sofa chairs up closer to the big screen and with the bed, I was able to put the sofa at its feet which ends up about halfway in the room, it feels better (pics below).  I had Baby A go through every room and clean the ceiling fans, on a ladder.  They were all thick with dust and grime.  I also decluttered and took all my tools into the garage, cleaned the patio up, using the shelf thingy to store my extra bags of pellets, moving them out of the floor in the kitchen.  Boy bought his mama a Dyson vacuum and I have to admit I am surprised it lives up to the hype.  Every time we vacuum a room it picks up so much dirt and stuff.  We vacuumed pretty much the whole house a couple times during the week.  I ended the day by cleaning the kitchen counters and sweeping and mopping the kitchen.

    Wife will be back living full time with her 3 animals, but at least for a minute, the house is clean and she can work on keeping us on the straight and narrow.

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