Sunday, May 23, 2021

5/23/21 Relaxing Saturday, Finally?

     We finally got what I was wanting, a nice quiet Saturday at home.  For about the last two months it has been one thing after another.  It started with the wrestling tournaments, then multiple weekends to Crystal City for funerals, then activities at my in-law's house the last two weekends.  I was looking for a day to just recharge my batteries and be home.  Knowing this was coming up, I even scheduled Wife's oil change for Thursday in the morning just so it wouldn't be weighing on me on Saturday.  Wife can be a real hemorrhoid when it comes to her vehicle, I even stopped Friday afternoon at HEB because I planned on making ribs today but we were out of the Salt Lick spice she loves so much and I didn't want to have to feel like I let her down by not buying some, so I stopped and got a bunch of back up sodas, juices and other low carb stuff, even some sugar free cake mixes to ensure we could stay home.

    So what did I do with my day off?  I got up and worked out, around 8:00am, more or less when I get up on the weekends, and worked out/listened to Youtube videos until close to 11:00am, when Wife finally came down.  I love having the weights all in the one room, I can go in there and just make it some me time.  I have even taking to drinking my coffee in there while I do various stretches and other "lame" stuff to make me more human.  Wife then came down and she offered breakfast, which we ate just ourselves as the boys didn't wake up until around 2:00pm.  After eating our sausage and egg tacos (on low carb tortillas), Wife suggested a nap.  We went upstairs, but she actually meant nap, not "nap", so I played on my phone for a bit and came back downstairs.

    I was going to just sit and watch a movie, but I remembered I bought a new door lock for the back door, the old one was sticking weird, so I replaced both the doorknob and deadbolt, that took me about 20-30 minutes.  I was just going to relax when Wife came back down, so we turned the projector on and watched Idiocracy.  Around this time, Baby A came down and after that movie, they watched the second Antman movie.  I kind of napped, but before I started the grill and got the ribs ready.  I put the ribs on and napped for about an hour, which I pretty much do every day around 3:00-4:00pm.

    Since it had stopped raining/drizzling in the afternoon, I decided to go back and finish my swimming pool project.  It has had a leak for a few years and I decided to just close all the inlets and returns and just run the pool water in and out via some pipes above the concrete, very ghetto but if it solves my problem, so be it.  If not, I am seriously going to consider just ripping the whole thing out, I am tired of this albatross fucking with me.

    We then came in and ate, feeling pretty good until my family texted to ruin things by guilting me that I wasn't at some quinceanera they were all at that I wasn't really invited to, other than I should have known, you know, I'm supposed to be able to read minds.  Mom mentioned it vaguely, but mother is not shy, when she expects me to show up, she lays it on thick, so I didn't even think of going.  I don't even know what the girl looks like that was having her quince.  We spent the rest of the evening trying to watch Tenet, which I had really wanted to but it was so convoluted I couldn't figure out what was going on.  We gave up and saw some Southpark before that sugar free cake made me run to the bathroom.  It is now 10:15pm, I am showered and I guess ready for bed.  Sometimes, we call it an early night.

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