Wednesday, July 1, 2020

7/1/20 Gurkel?

    I just love that nickname, it is from Black-ish and is a combo of girl and Urkel.  The dad used it to make fun of the daughter because with glasses she acted goofier and was basically Urkel from the show Family Matters, one of the most famous nerds on TV.  Anyways, I am now able to use it on my lovely wife.  It seems that Miss Bossy Boss has eyes that are failing her a little bit and lately she had started doing that thing of putting reading material way out as far as her arms could reach.  Like everyone else, she had been putting it off because of Covid-19 and the thought that nobody was doing elective work.  It has seemed to be getting worse and worse, so I told her to try and call around since she is off for two weeks and can thus do stuff like dilate her eyes and be blind for an afternoon.
    She has a small town finicky insurance, but she was able to find an optometrist in town who took it so she made the call.  I was hoping to merely be a spectator but I was pulled into the operation to be the driver.  She was worried she wouldn't be able to drive after so she asked me to take her.  It actually was a good thing that I went.  It turns out that there is a whole beautification service community there on Manchaca Street, south of Slaughter Lane.  I saw a dentist, the optometrist, hair salon, nail salon, and even a plastic surgeon, along with a realtor and a mini-mart gas station.  I was not allowed to get off, so I stayed in the Excursion went and filled up and drove around the neighborhood.  I liked the idea of seeing the plastic surgeon to treat my varicose veins I have around my ankle so I don't have to worry about them bleeding.  I called the number on the door but nobody answered.  I have the name of the business and their website, so at some point I will take care of this, plus I won't have to go downtown which I absolutely hate doing.
    Wife was seen pretty quick, I swear, by the time I parked I heard maybe 20 minutes worth of music and had just started to drift off into a nap before Wife called that she was done.  I was allowed to go into the reception area with a mask to help Wife choose her first glasses.  I suggested a pair of Oakley because I am a tool and prefer name brands, but she liked another no name brand that her insurance would cover completely.  The only suggestion I gave her was to go with a black frame versus the grey one she was leaning to.  The lady helping with the glasses gave her a list of options and after she did the rundown, she had a choice of bifocals versus progressives which are different in that they don't have a distinct line where it changes from one lens strength to another.  The bifocals were an extra $65 out of pocket while the progressives were like $365 plus the cost of the exam and other stuff.  Knowing how frugal my Gurkel is, I knew which pair she would choose, even as I said get what you want.
    As we discussed, she only needs them while sitting in front of the computer or reading, so it is fine if they are a little nerdy.  It will take about two weeks to get them made, luckily she is on vacation so she is not doing heavily stressful work right now on the computer.

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