Wednesday, July 15, 2020

7/15/20 Upcoming Problems With Covid-19?

    I don't know which way things are going to line up with, but if companies and schools really care, they are going to have to cough up some cash.  Wife and I were discussing how things are going to work for her new school year and how I will proceed once I go back.  My company has basically been very supportive of me having a Covid-19 case here in the house.  We were lucky in that we kept it isolated to just the GF of my son and nobody else got it.  My son was tested the same day she was and again last week with us.  My worry is what happens if after being out for a month, as I basically have been, it happens again.  Wife could come home and get infected somewhere, I could get infected going to HEB, it is bound to happen if this lifestyle continues, or if my high schooler goes back to school, most everybody with kids is going to get infected.  Kids constantly touch and hug and boys as I see them are constantly playing grab-ass with each other, like monkeys establishing who is the alpha, at least my little gorilla is, I always see him after school.
    My point is, what happens if I get sick myself next time or another member of the family tests positive, will my company support me being gone another month or longer if I end up hospitalized?  About a year ago, we went to what they call unlimited vacation time.  Technically, it is not like we can run out (we are not supposed to abuse it), but being out for two months even if it is mandated by the law and the site nurse is enforcing it, feels weird to me.  I only hope this doesn't happen again, but Boy's GF started her job again today at HEB and all the news sites insist this virus can attack you even after you have had it.
    Wife's work rules as they were discussing them are simply, you can be out, but you better have the days to cover the time.  That sounds unfair, teachers get about ten days off per school year, if they have to be out while they find out if they are positive and then two weeks after they feel better, at a minimum (if they don't get seriously sick), they will run out of sick days in one infection.  With students acting like students, it is pretty much guaranteed all teachers and administrators will be exposed by the time Christmas vacation rolls around, masks can only do so much.  My take, I told Wife is that if a person can work, even if they test positive, they will work.  The choice between feeding their family or worrying about someone else getting sick is not enough incentive to keep most people home.
    I was very tempted to keep my mouth shut and just keep working, I was one week away from my two week vacation anyway.  But, I didn't want to be the dick that got the sickness going amongst my co-workers, thinking I was going to end up sick after my son slept with her at least two nights before she went to the doctor.  I still don't understand how some people end up very sick, some die, and some don't even show any response.  This is a very confusing pandemic.  I appreciate my company backing me and just telling me to play it safe and stay home, I have just felt some guilt because luckily, I have remained healthy.

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