Thursday, July 2, 2020

7/2/20 Keeping it 100?

    The best story I have seen today on YouTube is one where this dumb 20-something bit off more than she could chew.  A young adult, I hate 18 and above people being called children by the media when it is convenient.  I mean on one side of the spectrum, we allow 18 year olds to vote, fight our wars, buy rifles and shotguns, buy cars, even houses if they have the means.  On the other, the minute it serves someone with a platform's interest though, call that young adult a baby.  This baby went a tad too far, she was spewing venom on her Tik-Tok page talking about killing anyone and she meant anyone who said All Lives Matter when it is supposed to be Black Lives Matter.  Idiot, first of all, you don't look black, so why carry the battle flag for a different race when it is that inflammatory?  Even if I have jumped off the liberal ship, yes, I believe black people should be treated just as fairly as anyone else and I think things are a lot better than they were and slowly getting better.  For her efforts though, she was fired from a post graduate job at Harvard University.  This was actually a "smart" person who got caught up playing games she didn't need to.  Now she wants to blame Trump supporters for her losing her job.  Who put that awful message on her Tik-Tok?  She did.  Enjoy the likes while you look for a new job in the real world, where adults actually still rule, let us know how far your message gets you.
    On the thought of calling young adults babies, I saw another instance where two police officers were fighting with a "baby" as the woman loudest on camera kept screaming to let that "baby" go.  People always want to assume the guy being taken down by force is good, and they are usually wrong.  The "baby" was strong enough that the guys couldn't put his hands in cuffs and then it turns out once they kicked his ass into listening and complying, he was actually 23, had stolen from a store nearby, had a gun. and had assaulted people on the street, but you know, still a "baby" to the lady who gets to just disappear from the scene when she realizes she might be wrong.
    The last thing is a parent's job is never done.  I just saw the heartfelt story of the dad of one of the young men killed in CHAZ.  He was devastated about his son being killed and getting nothing, not even a knock on the door from cops, BLM or anyone trying to apologize.  The comments section was arguing about well, he was 19, you can't tell him what to do.  Fuck That!!!  My son is 26, has his GF living here and now that I see them both living here basically as my kids, I tell them shit all the time.  The first night I even got angry and lost my shit telling both of them "I better not find out your stupid asses went downtown to check out the action."  I don't trust groups of idiots gathering in large numbers and if there is no win for you, personally, why?  They can get mad at me and call me an asshole, that doesn't hurt as much as a rubber bullet to the temple, which happened to one of those "babies."  What did he get for his efforts?  You just never know, but if you do your best to teach your own, hopefully, it can keep them around longer than yourself.

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