Saturday, July 25, 2020

7/25/20 Why Not The National Guard?

    I keep hearing that it is illegal to take care of these a-holes acting like empowered children with the National Guard because we can't use the military against our own civilians on US soil, but then the very first sentence I read on Wikipedia (which is not the best source, just the quickest) as:  The Insurrection Act of 1807 is a United States federal law (10 U.S.C. §§ 251255; prior to 2016, 10 U.S.C. §§ 331–335; amended 2006, 2007) that empowers the President of the United States to deploy U.S. military and federalized National Guard troops within the United States in particular circumstances, such as to suppress civil disorderinsurrection and rebellion.  This sounds like the military or the National Guard are exactly the right tool for the job.  If these people were peacefully protesting and there was no damage to property going on in all these separate cities, I would still lean towards giving them leeway and letting them get their point across.  The truth of the matter is these groups are not really interested in helping black lives as their banner reads.  Day after day, it seems more black people are getting killed in the name of this Black Lives Matter slogan than before.  In CHAZ/CHAD, which was supposed to be like a street party, 4-5 black people got shot before being broke down, in Chicago, anywhere from 60-100 black people are getting shot every week I believe for the last two months.  The numbers are similar in New York.  Portland has had "protestors" out every night for two months now, and each night they attempt to burn the federal courthouse.
    This people have screamed and cried for the United States to come to its knees, to turn over its capitalist ways and become more like Venezuela or Cuba and become a socialist nation, to defund the police, and attempt to destroy the monuments to the great men that made this country.  If I had it my way, I would be picking up groups of these idiots and delivering them to the great and prosperous nations they love so much.  Trade a handful of Cubans for a handful of these idiots, give them on a 1 to 1 basis to Venezuela, people there wish and pray they could become American citizens.  The worst offenders should be taken overseas to China and North Korea, let them enjoy what they call a really fair economy, fucking idiots.
    I am personally tired of the disrespect and hate we get to hear from these useless citizens on an almost daily basis.  Stand up and become police officers if you claim you would use a tazer instead of your gun against an idiot high on drugs coming at you with a knife.  All you entitled white hundred pound girls, join the police force and show us how you can talk down a person intent on taking someone else's property and attempting to flee.  If he is coming at you, running like a madman, attempt to stop him by shooting him in the leg instead of on the chest.  Then when we bury the majority of y'all, at least we can proudly say "they died doing what they protested, they believed in protecting the bad guys doing crimes to get ahead in life.  This citizen gave all he/she had so that scumbag X could get away without having his feelings hurt."  You are all full of shit, police officers really do one of the hardest jobs in the land, they have to in an instant determine who is a good citizen trying to get through their day and who is trash and needs to get their attention.  For all your talk, I don't think you could do it any better if you really tried.

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