Friday, July 31, 2020

7/31/20 It Should Be Free?

    I don't understand how people can be so stupid, or naive, or what they are thinking anymore.  I was watching just random entries on Instagram, which I go through once or twice a day, I like looking at sexy girls, no harm no foul.  Not all pictures are of that though, and sometimes people like to interject scary or serious pictures to change it up a bit.  That is fine, if I don't care for it, I just scroll to the next one.  This pic of an oil well platform out in the middle of the ocean being hit by waves as tall as the platform, waves must have been peaking at 40 or 50 feet.  The video was surreal and the platform appears to be floating and somehow bobbing up and down.  I looked at it for 2-3 cycles and then I wanted to see what the comments said.  I just wasn't sure if it was real or fake. 
    I thought I have heard of platforms like this that float, but still sit high above the water, although I don't know if that is the case here or just a theoretical design.  Anyways, let's suppose it is real for the sake of this conversation, there are people bobbing up and down a good 20-30 feet with this thing, truly something spectacular to survive through, I can only hope.  Then the comments get to where they always get to.  "The earth provides us the oil for free, why do these corporations make us pay for it, all they do is take it for free."  Clearly, there is a disconnect with Johnny here.  Does he not understand the pure majesty and engineering of this rig alone to withstand what Mother Nature is dishing out, for the sake of sucking that oil out from the ground.  Assholes making comments like that have never worked a hard job in their lives or they are children.  There seems to be no appreciation for the efforts that some companies go through to provide us with the things that make our lives so easy.  This oil is being pumped out of the ground under an ocean maybe hundreds of feet deep, maybe more.  No one is getting to it without some real good knowledge of what they are doing and risking men's lives for the chance.
    Last night, when I was filling up my Excursion for the 1000th time leaning against the door waiting, my thought doesn't go to complaining about the cost, at $1.69, it is about as cheap as it has ever been.  Awhile back, we were paying near $4.00 a gallon and I still wasn't complaining.  I am sure those companies Exxon and Shell and all make a pretty penny but I never think "hmm, how am I going to get some crude oil from under the ocean and process it just right so I can drive around?"  You guys can do all that for $1.69?  Thanks.  Fuck with the shitty attitudes of people who don't even carry their own weight.  Driving is not a right, if you think gas is too expensive, drive a bike, preferably not on the road, because the way I see it, your shitty bike doesn't pay for the taxes that built the roads we drive on.
    Anyways, I think this is just an extension now that I am hating these soft ass liberals who would rather be socialists.  How was I on their side, I hate these type of people?  Always wanting the other person to make them complete.  If only the rich would pay for their blank, they would be better off.  Fuck that, make your own way, like the rest of us adults did.

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