Tuesday, June 30, 2020

6/30/20 Finding Out You Are Not Black?

    This is a testament to how not racist we have been, I think.  It is also a sort of here's our story after hearing a couple people on Tik-Tok doing testimonials about not knowing they were black.  We live in South Austin and prior to this house, we lived on the east side of I-35, where it is a lot more populated with minorities.  It just so happened that our first house was in a cul-de-sac and our oldest son, Boy, grew up there with kids to our right that were black and another kid with the family we were really close with, well, Girlie's aunt, and her oldest boy was half black, as is Girlie while we are pointing that out.  All of this was fine, everyone was cool and nobody ever said anything negatively about anyone.  Later on, Boy had Hispanic boys who became his close school friends and they would come over frequently and spend the night and that was no problem either.
    During one of the parties we had, and we used to do fun stuff and BBQ's all the time with Girlie's family or our family, so I can't say when exactly it was, but Boy was at least in junior high, so he was a good 12-13 years of age and getting into rap music and learning how to be "cooler".  He was goofing around with Girlie's cousin and he threw out the N-word just very casually, we did the "hey, what's the matter with you?"  He, in a bit of confusion said "what?  I'm black, I can say the word."  We started smiling and I asked him "how are you black?  We are both (Wife and I) beaners, Son."  He, very honestly said "but Grandpa Honey is black."  First off, that is not his name, but my mother in law has always referred to him as "Honey", so Grandpa Honey kind of stuck.  But anyways, he is a dark man, and maybe I thought it a time or two that he could have some black in him, but growing up in the small town we did, I had not heard of mixed people and all that, so I don't know, maybe going far enough back in his ancestry there was a possible black great great grandfather.  Wife now says there is a black great great somebody in there after her aunt did some of that ancestry exploring, but I am not sure what to believe there.  Wife also says that they have jewish blood in her family, so I don't know and I only stick with facts and what I see.  She has mentioned this ancestry thing/family tree some aunt created for them, but I have never seen it, so I don't want to rely on its validity unless I see it with my own eyes.
    For that matter, growing up, when we went to Sea World or Fiesta Texas or any of the other places we went, it always looked to me like Girlie could have been Wife's kid because they both are about the same skin tone and her mother is paler than most white people.  I don't think Boy understood too well, and why get after him for believing something like that.  We just made sure he didn't start using the N-word which he never has in front of us.  If anything, Boy could get away saying he was indian, he has the facial shape, and small frame of what I imagine a native American would have.

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