Tuesday, July 21, 2020

7/21/20 Javalina Met With His Friends?

    I really did not want to allow this, but we let Javalina go out and meet his friends at Zilker park.  On the one hand, I am fearful of him getting infected by his friends or the other idiots out on the park.  On the other hand, the poor boy has been stuck in the house with just us as company since Spring Break.  Wife and I tried to get them to get together here and swim in the pool, but either he didn't want them here or they didn't want to come over.  He never really asks to go out, so it makes it harder to keep him "locked up" constantly.  He is at an age when socializing is important, so we caved.
    He packed a backpack with water bottles, a towel, extra clothes, a portable charger for his phone and mosquito repellant, per Mama.  He promised to leave his mask on and we saw his friends who were wearing masks when we dropped him off.  It had been a long time since we had gone to Zilker, so we drove by earlier in the week and that did not help Wife feel better.  Wife finds it suspicious that grown men hang out at the park on park benches just sitting there.  Javalina assured us he would kick their asses if they approached him or one of his friends.  "Uh, settle down Beavis, you're a big boy but if they pull a knife or something else, you will be screwed" is about all I could muster.  I just told them not to go to the isolated places and stay where the masses are.
    Another thing that we still find surprising is that people are stupid, still not wearing masks.  We drove down Barton Springs Road and there were tons of people eating and hanging out.  Nobody appeared to be wearing masks and the restaurants looked pretty full to me.  After seeing this, we can't help but think that Corona is not going anywhere anytime soon.
    Well, after picking up our son, he said all the right things.  They got in the water for a bit, but it was cold that they didn't last long.  One of the boys had his GF with him and every time she tried taking the mask off, he said they all yelled at her to put it back on.  This sounded good to me.  He also said they rode the city bus, for free, over to the nearby McDonald's and then they played mini golf at the Peter Pan Mini Golf place next door.  I just hope we don't get any surprise coughs or symptoms in the next few days.  If he does, it will be the last time he sees his friends until there is a vaccine.
    He is going to be a busy guy this week.  Wife signed him up for a class in Cyber Security.  It is a basic course but it will be Monday through Friday, so lazy dude will have to get up before 10:00am and stay awake until around 3:00pm.  Right now, he is getting the computer ready.  His class will be online as a Zoom class.  Wife does these all the time, and so have the boys.  I have yet to do anything like that, so I don't know if it is better or worse than being live in a classroom.

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