Sunday, July 12, 2020

7/12/20 Poked In The Brain For Covid-19?

    Well, we finally went for our first Covid-19 test, as a family, just to be sure.  Boy's GF has gotten past her symptoms, and Wife is scheduled to start going back to work next week, so we tried to find a place to test on Sunday night last week and this was the earliest we could schedule, which fell on Friday the 10th at 12:30 in the afternoon.  It is not that I am goading the virus to attack us, but after hearing how contagious it is and having a person in the house with it, I don't get how even Boy who slept with her before she knew she was contagious, did not test positive.  None of us have had any real symptoms. I mean I have had a runny nose most mornings, but I am always like that, or I would worry more.  She was real good about staying in the room the whole two weeks she was sick, it actually made us nervous when she came out Monday, but here we are.
    I had been dreading the idea of going out to the testing, not because of the test itself, but seeing the news and people were waiting in their cars in lines that went around blocks and taking up to an hour or longer.  In preparation, I told Wife she would absolutely have to drive.  I get sleepy if I sit idle too long, I have been better, but certain times of the day, it still happens.  It was a surprise to get there and not even see a single car in line.  For a second I even thought we had gone to the wrong place.  This quickly went away because they did have big signs everywhere that the line forms here.  Seeing this, we figured we had to get off.  This kind of sucked because the place is off Rundberg Lane and that part of town is ghetto as hell.  There was an open lot next to the clinic and there were tents there like it was a state park with people moving around and acting like there was lake or something.  There were also about 15-20 people in front of the building just loitering it looked like to me.  Luckily, those people had nothing to do with the testing.
    Walking into the test building it got real really quick.  Everyone inside was dressed in hazmat suits, like in the movies covered from head to toe.  They only let us walk in one at a time and first they took my info, which we had registered online on Sunday.  Next we walked into another room with maybe four stations.  I went to the first one, it all went by so quick, though.  First, blow your nose on a tissue, to clean it, then I was told to look at the ceiling and the tester had a foot long "Q-tip" and it felt like he used most of it to go up my right nostril.  He went in and fished around, spinning it with his fingers for 10 seconds.  I got up, agitated and my right eye was teary from being poked, I did whine and make noises but did not actually cry.  It felt like the poke reached up into my eyeball, it was so aggressive.  After that, a different person gave me a couple squirts of a soapy solution for my hands and I was sent out a back door and outside.  One of the nurses asked Javalina, in a funny old black lady accent "was that your daddy?"  Javalina answered "yes, probably."  "Mm-mm, (shaking her head), big man like that crying, what a shame."  I thought it was funny, how Javalina retold it.
    Wife and Javalina had the response after being poked.  Boy, who never reacts like a human (there's a reason we call him robot boy), just said it was ok.  Either he is too cool for school, or he is a jerk who refuses to share with us.  Either way, it took me about 20 minutes for the irritation to go away, same with Javalina.  It took Wife twice as long for her to stop feeling like they had poked her.  The nurse or whatever they were did tell her she has tiny nostrils, I know I have big nostrils, I can see way in there.  Anyways, that was that.  They told us it should be 2-3 days, it is the quick test, but it is taking 5-7 days in most cases to get results back.

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