Wednesday, April 8, 2020

4/8/20 Stupid People Are Loud?

   I love listening to old Loveline episodes and recently, clips from the show started showing up on Yutube, so I have been enjoying it in bite size portions rather than trying to listen to a whole 1.5 hour episode.  This particular thought comes from Adam after dealing with a few too many guys that start every answer with an "ummmm" something lame.  After a few of these which the last guy was a bogus caller, Adam goes off and just starts ripping apart the caller with his outburst that stupid people can't help themselves, they are going to be loud, in thoughts and actions.  Stupid people don't even realize they make noises when they think, with the "ummm" sound as they try to fashion an excuse when dealing with someone faster thinking than them.  Even in something simple, like eating, Adam then also claims that they manage to be loud in this facet of their lives too.
    Dr. Drew then countered a little with the opposing thought that as one becomes more enlightened, or smarter, they tend to be interested in quieter activities.  Adam of course bowls him over and takes that thought too, saying something like yes, the music smarter people listen to is more subdued, the cars they drive are quieter too, smart people aren't blasting their radios with the windows open looking for attention or have their mufflers dragging and cracking to be loud for no reason.  I think even the activities of the enlightened/ educated/ smart people are quieter endeavors too, such as reading, writing, creating.
    Life works in mysterious ways, as he then mentions that stupid people should be trying to be quiet and stay "under the radar," but more frequently, when someone gets loud, it is an easy bet that they are probably not geniuses or scholars.  I think this extends to people that like to argue with police, usually stupid, that is one people can rarely win, yet the Stupids will try, every time.
    I love how he wrapped it up by rounding up the loud motorcycle peeps and making them one loud idiot, which he is not wrong.  Why do they have to act like they are special and make their vehicles louder than everyone else's?  He mentioned hearing motorcycles in the canyons there in California, but even here in Austin.  I can be inside my house and on any given night, some a-hole on a bike will rev it up and you can hear them accelerating all the way down 1st Street.
    So, in conclusion, if you find yourself being the loud one in your group, there is a good chance that you are also the stupid one.  This is not to insult you, but to take it as a learning moment.  Instead of mumbling and grumbling like a stupid person would do, think and reflect.  What would a smart person do if accused of being stupid?

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