Wednesday, April 29, 2020

4/29/20 What Have I Done Around The House?

    I could have done a lot more, but it has been lazy days and some projects require shelling out big bucks.  But, I have at least tackled the fence in the back, pickets keep falling off and getting loose, this past Friday I went and fixed all I could see that needed it.  While I had my gear on (apron that holds my screws and drill bits and hammer), I also tackled the gate which needed a new top runner.  The original had decayed and was barely hanging on to the locking mechanism.  Coming in to the patio, I had hung some large sheets of lattice to cut down the sun beating on us in the afternoon, but I had not tied them down below as that requires screwing into the cement.  I used a large board I bought for some other project I never did to attach to the bottom of the lattice.  This is quite heavy and keeps the lattice from whipping around in the wind.  This will also serve as something to anchor to the cement with some L brackets once I commit to getting down on my hands and knees.  I also got the hot tub drained and now the pool and both are looking about ready to use, if we choose to.
    Coming inside, I replaced the blinds Moro (Girlie's dog) had chewed up.  They bought me the replacement back then, but I didn't want to replace it, thinking the dog would go crazy again, it was the only time it did anything destructive to the house.  I fixed a pantry door that wouldn't close by replacing the ball and spring mechanism on top.  I replaced the front door handle, after 13 years, pushing the handle would not tuck the locking bolt completely out of the way.  I opened it up and saw the metal was worn, so I went and bought a new one.  By the front entrance, I also rehung the bracket I had hung to hold our jackets with better wall anchors.
    This weekend I started working on cleaning the garage.  It had gotten pretty bad, mostly because my roommates all suck and just throw stuff in there.  Boy just opens the door and places stuff like one step in, so I couldn't even go in the garage and close the door behind me.  There were piles of boxes needing to be cut down in front of my work station, so I couldn't even get to where I could stand in there.  I cleaned about 40% of the space, moved Halloween bins to more appropriate areas by the wall rather than right in front of the door.  Really, more than half of the crap in there is Boy's stuff.  He let a friend leave a sectional sofa in there and it is huge.  Then he bought a huge printer like to print posters or something of that size, yet he has never even plugged it in.  Oh well, I will keep doing what I can, maybe if we ever get that refinance money, I can even start putting in wood floors, one room at a time, using Javalina's and Boy's knees since it hurts me to get down there.  I can't say that I have done much upstairs, other than yell at Boy to clean the hallway leading out to the balcony and killing all the bees that were setting up house up there,  Since we are home so much, I want to use all parts of the house, so every room and area has to be habitable at all times.

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