Sunday, April 26, 2020

4/26/20 Hate To Say It, But Trump Is Doing Alright?

    I will be first to admit when Trump was elected, I was in shock, not because I cared about his policies, but everything we were told about him seemed wrong, for a position requiring a semi perfect or at least politically correct man.  Since his start, I can't say he has done anything wrong or right, but he has remained constant and that is something.  I was never impressed he was a billionaire, he was born into money, he didn't build himself from 0, as my mom told me, "he must be smart, he's a billionaire." when I was trying to convince her he was a horrible choice for president.
    The biggest hurdle, as a Hispanic, to get over, was that he hates our kind because of his obsession with building a wall.  It took me a minute, thinking that my great ancestors, maybe 3-4 generations ago had to come over here, probably illegally, that if he was around 100 years ago, he might have prevented me from existing here.  But, it was a different world, and being a mestizo, as we have been told we are, I feel I belong in the US as much as any other European descendent, so fuck that idea that brown people belong in Mexico.  A wall might be helpful to at least slow the transport of illegal things back and forth.  Plus, I have yet to understand why illegals get free schooling here, I didn't and non of my family did.  My brother got into debt past $100,000 to become a lawyer, Wife has debts over $40,000 for her Bachelor's and Master's.  I got lucky in that I was in and out graduating in 1994, and my parents helped me with rent and paying for my little Ranger truck, I only had about $13,000 to pay back.
    I don't think Trump has ever said he doesn't like brown people from here.  He is very much an isolationist, and I agree, we should be keeping our nose out of other countries, fuck them.  Our resources should be to help our people here, first.  If he believes in the notion "keep your friends close, but your enemies closer...", then he is doing exactly as he should befriending Russia' Putin, North Korea's dopey Kim Jong-Un, and China's whoever leader.  If he could broker more open dialogue with them, that would be a step in the right direction, as they are what we might consider potential nuclear enemies.  But who knows why he does what he does, maybe he is just trying to build resorts in their countries, like Carolla used to say, put a beaver at the top of the empire state building and he will still try to build a dam.  Animals do what comes instinctive to them.
    I do kind of like how he has attacked the media and in some of those daily interviews how he manages to fuck with them.  They can ask whatever they want, and then he will answer whatever he wants to say, it is almost comical at times.  Lately, I've seen interviews where he "shushes" them which is hilarious, from a spectator perspective.  And his penchant for reminding us how great he is at all times kind of reminds me of me when talking here at home, again, it is kind of funny.
    He just needs to occupy the position for 4 or 8 years and not make too many crazy changes.  Obama decided to fuck with healthcare and all I got out of that is that I pay double what I used to pay.  You think I give two shits if the unemployables got healthcare out of that equation, why should I have to pay more?  He will probably win another term, the democrats pushing a socialist agenda just shows how lost they are.  None of them seem to realize socialism is the system all our enemies have been ruled by and they always fail, what the fudge is going on?

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