Sunday, April 19, 2020

4/20/20 Liberals Are Lost?

    I know it wasn't that long ago that I leaned to the left politically.  I thought it was good if our government could get their shit together and instead of spending billions on unnecessary wars, it could help sustain a healthcare system for all of us.  I of course believe in a woman's right to choose, specially in this day of flighty men, there is a 40% chance the woman will be unmarried and then the fact that close to 50% of marriages eventually end up in divorce and most times kids remain with the mother, it makes sense they should be the key decision makers, although as I just heard Chapelle say in a comedy bit this weekend, men should have a choice whether to have to pay or not, if the woman gets to choose.  I am ok with help when someone looses a job or needs a little help while they are finding their next job in the form of food stamps and even section 8, but it should be finite, not be a way of life.
    All of a sudden though, I see these maniacs fighting on school campuses, for a socialist way of life.  This fucks do not realize that our greatest enemies have been the communist regimes which are basically socialist systems.  It didn't work in Russia, Cuba, Venezuela, or anywhere it has been attempted.  Humans are inherently greedy and selfish animals, it cannot work because anyone in power will always cut themselves a little bigger slice of cake than what they give the masses.  I guess there is a belief that if we convert to socialism, people won't have to work or compete for good paying jobs.  On top of that, the liberals want to fight for the rights of anyone to declare themselves whatever they want to based on how they feel.  I was with them when gay people wanted to fight for the same rights as hetero couples, let them marry, who cares?  Now this push from trans people seems lost and confusing.  You can't have someone born a man call themselves a female, compete with them and expect things to be fair, they have testosterone running through their bodies.  Women might want to say we are all equals, but we are not.  Men are stronger and built differently.  That is not a slight on women, just a fact.
    Then we get to gun control, which I was a big opponent of guns in the hands of civilians even just a few years ago.  I have changed my mind and feelings totally because of YouTube.  Every day just about, I see videos of people having to defend themselves against scumbags and trash, whether at work or at home and even in their cars.  Police are generally good honest people and they will put themselves on the line to protect people, but they can't be where you need them when you need them at a moment's notice.  All those videos in which a person is able to defend him/her self there is usually a "force multiplier" as they call it.  The host presenting the video usually likes to remind the viewer that we must be our first line of defense, do not rely on police, they will show up in minutes when you need a response in seconds.
    Putting a liberal in power is then going to maybe give medical care for all as Obama did, but my rates about doubled for insurance.  Women's choice is still there, and I hope it stays that way.  If we went socialist, what, those kids on campuses would never reach their full potential as they would find a minimum job and float through life since we would all be worth the same?  Instead of social services being a band aid, they just become a way of life and people that are sliding through life just keep doing that?  Be trans if you want, but don't be upset when it doesn't work out and don't expect the world to give a shit, nobody cares about me being a fat ass, why are you special?  If guns are made illegal, guess who will still have guns after all good people follow the law and get rid of them?  The criminals, we would knowingly put ourselves in harm's way.

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