Saturday, April 25, 2020

4/25/20 Taking Care Of Saturday?

    Wife spent the day on her laptop "attending" her class of the semester.  This left me open to take care of stuff that falls on me.  I woke up around 11:00am, had a cup of coffee, then called Leslie's Pool Supply.  I have been fighting the pool for about 3 weeks.  I keep adding shock and algae killer trying to remove the green color to get it clear.  I only found out Leslie's Pool Supply was open yesterday.  I called and they were open and doing water tests.  I took my little bottle of water and the guy tested it and told me that basically the water did not have any chlorine.  This is odd, since I have been shocking it every day, sometimes with two packages of shock.  We discussed it and the best course he suggested was to drain about half the water and start with fresh water.  I know that the water gets saturated with chemicals and then it doesn't respond appropriately.  I also know that about every 4-5 years I am supposed to change out the water, so here we are.  The only thing he suggested I add was a very high percentage shock, which cost me $27.00, not bad.
    My next stop was to HEB, Wife had suggested I go get stuff to grill again this weekend.  I hated the idea of going, but I also know we need to restock every so often.  I thought I would save a bunch of money without Wife, since I focus only on food, she'll want to restock make-up, medicines, and cleaning supplies.  I got more meat than I would normally want, but they were talking on the news that there might be a meat shortage because too many workers are getting sick in the meat processing sector.
    I am happy to say that people are respecting the rules of social distancing.  I had to wait in line about 10 minutes outside before starting to shop, but that is just a small sacrifuce.  Most people were wearing their masks and even gloves, so I felt better about being in a store that was pretty full.  We also got a wipe to clean the handle on the basket before starting.  I was in there about an hour, and even though I tried to keep it under control, it was still $300.
    I got home, put everything away, then I find out Wife had started a brisket in the oven.  I thought "perfect, go put myself in harm's way and you make a brisket anyway?"  I was a little mad, but we can BBQ on Sunday.  She had taken the brisket out from the freezer on Thursday.  After putting all the groceries away and cooling off, it was way too humid, Wife texted me (she was doing her classes from the yellow guestroom upstairs), to tell me to handle the eggs and potatoes.  I don't normally do any of the cooking, but I probably can.  I peeled the eggs, then 15 minutes later I did the same for the potatoes and diced them up.  Wife walked down at that moment, so I handed her the raw ingredients and she finished putting the potato salad together.
    I went back to my normal mode of sitting in front of the laptop, finally relaxing and eating some Cracker Jacks.

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