Friday, April 17, 2020

4/17/20 We're Not All Going To Be Millionaires?

    I like watching reaction videos on YouTube, these are videos of music videos (or sometimes even exerpts from comedy shows) and there will be someone reacting and making their observations to these videos.  I find them interesting after watching something to see if other people feel the same way or get the same message from a given content.  I have noticed that guys generally break down the lyrics and look for punch lines and I generally agree with what they see.  Chicks, man, will be all over the place.  One was reviewing Metallica's One, which is a painstaking description of a man that goes off to war, a bomb blows up next to him and he is left a blind, mute, deaf stump of a man.  People say it comes from an old film "Johnny Got His Gun", which I can believe but I haven't seen.  Well, this one girl is watching the video and she starts complicating the message and decides it is about justice, sorry, but no.  This is just an example of what I see, she is attractive and curvy, so of course she has a million views on her videos even when she has no idea what she is seeing.
    That thought just came to me because I was just watching another reaction video from another pretty girl and while watching the video she breaks down and starts crying.  The video is some rapper going on about wanting to conquer the world and have his music make him rich and famous but in the video he is working as a garbageman, then he is continuing and still whining about wanting to succeed but doing a shitty job working the window at a fast food place.  I get the message, "how long do I have to suffer before the world sees my brilliance."  I think it hit the girl watching the video because she routinely makes videos where she is acting in little videos of her own or "directing" or doing something with trying to produce content, so she wants to succeed, but how do we measure success?  Very few people get to the top where they get paid ridiculous money for acting, it is literally one in a million.
    We all want to be paid and recognized, I don't think crying for it is going to help.  She is pretty and has a following on YouTube, so she is halfway there, she needs to put on her big girl panties on and do the hard work, shit she is in her mid 20's.  I remember being 21, just graduated but had no direction and a kid on the way.  Married, no prospects, and just a strong back, I found a job in the paper to lay sheetrock, that call sent me to work at a warehouse driving a forklift, while holding a chemistry degree.  I didn't whine about it, it helped feed us and in the meantime I got my shit together and slowly I moved it on up.  I may never reach the success that this girl dreams of, but we live in a big house, and live comfortably, so I would say we do alright.

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