Sunday, April 12, 2020

4/12/20 A Grown Ups Version Of An Easter Egg Hunt, Corona Style?

    As I mentioned yesterday, we had to go out amongst the a-holes and miscreants to restock our food supplies.  I hate the going out, only for fear of contracting the virus, but I do love eating at home.  I feel we eat better than what has been our normal.  We went for Chick-Fil-A Friday night, spent over $40 for Wife, Javalina and myself and although those nuggets are delicious, after eating a platter with 64 nuggets between the three of us, I wasn't full.  That is what I mean, it is getting harder to justify the prices and then to not even feel full or have leftovers is becoming ridiculous to me.
    I digress, we went to the store to make sure and have some meats to grill.  It is what we usually do on Easter, at my mom's house, but this year we will be self-isolating, so we have to be prepared.  I was pleasantly surprised with the HEB in Buda, it is smaller than the one in Kyle, but it was fully stocked with all the meats, nothing was in short supply.  We got some NY strips, along with some sausages and chicken wings and if we feel like it burgers or chicken breasts too.  The store had everything, even toilet paper, but we could not find eggs.  There was one dozen left, but the eggs were brown colored which made me feel weird about them.  It didn't help they were like $6.00 for a dozen.  We left them thinking we'll just stop at Target by the house, but after dropping off $470 worth of groceries at the house, we ran to Target and they were out of eggs too.
    We went home, I ate a Lunchable and Wife asked if I wanted to go with her to Central Market to get eggs.  She tried looking online and found some possible places to get eggs.  BTW, eggs are important, not to hide, but to make potato salad, and breakfast, and cakes or other baked goods, so yeah, we needed some.  After eating my snack and a pee break, we headed out again for a third time.  I asked how about CVS? she looked online and they were out.  She had found a place by the Olive Garden, Wheatsville Co-op or something like that, was showing it had eggs.  Central Market was too, but theirs were going to be fancy and more expensive, you know organic stuff.
    I then got the idea of the small Mexican markets that exist as tiny stores here and there.  We were just passing one of them, which is more of a gas station, but I dropped off Wife by the door and ten minutes later, she came out with two of the 18 egg cartons and another one with a dozen.  This cost us $18, but at least we didn't have to drive across town.  Apparently, they sell breakfast barbacoa, so we might be trying that soon.  And yes, I would be more in shock over the amount we spent at HEB, but since we aren't eating out or filling up multiple times, this is actually cheaper in the long run.
    So, please, don't be a miscreant and stay home tomorrow.  Don't be a spreader of disease, be better than that.

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