Monday, April 13, 2020

4/13/20 Easter Sunday Must Go On?

    Even if I don't personally celebrate Easter as a religious holiday, taking time off and celebrating with loved ones is always a healthy endeavor.  Since we have moved to Austin, I believe we had always gone down to Crystal to celebrate with our families.  It has been a little tough because my family still lives there and Wife's parents moved to San Antonio about the time we got married, and trying to split the holidays has always been a juggling act.  We kind of fell into keeping Easter as the holiday we go to Crystal, and celebrating with Wife's parents on other holidays.  Corona changed everything this year, as we are all supposed to be practicing self isolation.  This means not hanging out with our extended families.  Too many times, we keep seeing where a family gathers and then multiple family members get sick and or end up passing away in multiple numbers, not just the elderly.
    Oh well, what is done is done.  We did what we were told and although we were stuck at home, it wasn't bad at all.  We grilled a delicious menu of steaks and chicken and burgers and wings.  While we grilled, I called my family and talked with mostly everybody.  My mom mentioned they ate brisket, my dad mentioned how nothing is happening except for his bank account keeps growing since they can't go out to spend money (which I thought was funny, and a good side effect of staying in), my sister told me about how they are staying safe (her hubby is working in a full body cover and she is going to work, but they only go in in groups of 3-4 at a time), and my younger brother congratulated me on "manning up" (the guy that called me a liberal faggot) and going out to buy my first gun.  I called my other brother a little later and he has been "REALLY" practicing self isolation as they live next to my moms, but he is not even open to visit them.  He says he grilled for his wife and kids and were out for a drive looking for idiots gathered in masse at the area parks, but so far he was impressed that it looked like people were listening.
    I had gotten up like at 7:30am, got the pool pump going, I have been trying to make the water clear but it is fighting back, and cleaned the grill.  I got back in before 8:30am, drank coffee, watched some Youtube, then went back to bed.  I think I slept until noon before Wife came down and woke me.  We putzed around until we started the grill around 3:00pm, and probably ate by 6:00pm.  After eating such a great meal, NY strip steaks with a side of jalapeno wrapped in bacon with cheese, and the most delicious potato salad, I just glazed over and went to nap.  I got up around 9:00pm and we then stayed up until 4:00am watching movies, and enjoying a little fruit salad.  Yes, I would have loved to have gone and seen my family, but given the current situation, I think we had a good time and made the best of the challenging times.

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