Wednesday, April 15, 2020

4/15/20 What About Mosquitos?

    I don't know if it has been brought up, but I was listening to Lil Dicky's Cypher freestyle (rap) and in it there is a line about "...more scary than Magic Johnson near mosquitos...", and it got me thinking, can Corona be passed along via the mosquitos nasty sting?  This is something I haven't seen discussed by all the media heads on TV.
    BTW, I don't know which way to lean.  One of my brothers took my "why haven't the poor countries like Mexico had huge explosions of the virus mentioned" to go into his thoughts of this is all bullshit to scare the people into submission, some of the countries governors would love to use this moment to grab more power.  In reality, the death toll is not that bad, I did hear elsewhere that currently there have not been any deaths attributed to the regular flu or any other causes.  I am not sure if this is true, but if it is, it does make the death toll look a lot higher and scarier.  It's not like Corona showed up and influenza decided to take a vacation break, it is still doing what it does too, kill the old and the weak.  Then I talked to my other brother, and he made some good points too, that countries like Mexico are not going to report a problem because they are in no position to even determine who has what.  If they can't get their shit together when the drug trade problem is killing people by the thousands, how can we expect them to keep something delicate and invisible to be carefully monitored, they are pretty much working at a third world country's capabilities.  Are we supposed to think out in Africa the numbers are going to be anywhere near accurate?  Probably not.  They can't do the simple things, such as providing clean water for their people, no way are they going to be passing out masks and gloves to keep people isolated germ wise.
    It is a scary thought if it turns out the virus can go from mosquito to other humans, shit, they have been reporting today that it seems to be spreading on our shoes because people still spit on the ground, like animals and the saliva keeps it alive for awhile.  Factor this in with the fact that the virus took out a tiger at a zoo, and that means this virus is not human specific, it will travel, by any means necessary.
    After talking to both of my brothers, I am not sure which way to lean.  Normally, I would say the one that is pro Trump is the nutty one, but back home, they are all pro Trump, mostly based on his hard stance on closing the border.  They don't want no "bad hombres" coming over with their drugs and taking our females for the sex slave trade and of course, democrats want open borders because they are soft.  So umm, double up on the Off spray.

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