Saturday, April 11, 2020

4/11/20 People In Real Life Don't Listen?

    Honestly, we have been real good about staying home and "helping prevent the spread of Covid-19.  I go to work when I have to, but I am wearing gloves to prevent touching doors, I am wearing safety glasses and even a mask over my nose and mouth when I walk around people.  I am pretty sure the mask is to prevent spit and debris from other humans from coming into contact with our mouth and nostrils, so I don't understand why I see people in their cars or walking alone wearing them.  Then again, they have said it might be airborne, so maybe it is just floating around in the air looking for victims.
    My complaint is that even though we are trying to be good, once you head outside, it is a wild and crazy world.  It almost seems like some people do live under rocks or in space and just come to the store to get in my way.  A lot of people are walking around without gloves, I get it, they take a trip to Lowe's or having a connection with somebody working in a lab to get.  Fine, don't put your hands to your orifices and you'll be ok.  But how about covering your mouths?  There are so many ways to do this, with masks from the store, with bandanas, with any piece of cloth.  It seems to me that as scared as we have been, and maybe the media does push the message a bit much, it is better to be safe than sorry.  I don't think a good 1/3 to half the people out there know that they are supposed to be trying to protect themselves.  I am sure those people are just in awe and wondering why all the stores are closed, it has to be a great mystery to them.
    I saw this Friday, I tried going around 5:00pm on Thursday but it seemed like Christmas time, it was full of shoppers, so I backed down.  I needed shock to try and get the pool cleaned up along with a couple other things, so I got up early Friday and headed down there at 9:00am and there was still a good amount of people.  I am guessing since everything else is closed, people are ending up there to walk around and shop.  Today, Saturday morning, we got up at 8:30am to try and beat the crowds and still by the time we got to the HEB in Kyle, the line of people stretched all the way down tot he end of the strip mall, like 10 businesses away.  We ended up stopping at the HEB in Buda and the line was a lot shorter (it is a much smaller store).  
    I was still pissed at the a-holes who refuse to simply cover up their faces.  It pisses me off because I am wearing the mask over my face and it is hard to breath with it, having your own hot air come back to you is gross, not to mention my safety glasses get all foggy every time I breath.  And yet, these ignorant miscreants are walking around acting like it is 1999, with nary a worry in their feeble minds.  I will be so glad when this is over, shit is starting to get old.

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