Thursday, January 3, 2019

1/3/19 Two Days In And This Year Is Sucking?

    My mom was perplexed by the coincidence and made us wonder as well, but it was exactly a year ago that we lost our uncle to what we concluded was a heart attack. Well, yesterday, my mom woke up at 7:00am to go to the bathroom and she found my dad on the floor, unable to get up apparently for a couple hours.  Dad later said he had gone in at 5:00am, so he was in there on the floor almost two hours.  Mom said it happened again getting out of bed later, and then he was acting very aggressive that he wasn't going to go to the doctor because he was fine.
    It is not necessarily that he hurt himself, he has neuroapathy, loss of muscular function in the arms, so he has very weak arms.  I have been suggesting he do some stretches daily or lift some very light weights to strengthen the muscles, but he just says everything just hurts and he kind of shuts down on the conversation.  His story when we arrived, and my mom wanted us to go ahead so he wouldn't be alone while she took care of taking her dog to my sisters and got clothes to spend the night, was very different from what my mom said.  He was blaming the little rugs that my mom has here and there, making it seem like he was walking into the bathroom and hitting the carpet and his feet got wrapped up and he fell.  He then even said the same thing to the doctor when he arrived, right before my mom was there, adding that my mom has the same little rugs around the bed, and they caused him to get tripped up by the bed as well.  The man I saw in bed seemed fine, he recognized me right away, he was watching football on TV, as he always prefers to, even if it is old classic games on ESPN.  He was trying to argue with the nurses that he wanted to go to the bathroom but he wanted to go to the toilet, they were not letting him get out of bed since he had fallen twice.
    My mom came in and it was a very different story.  She said he fell over from a sitting position in the bathroom, so the rugs in there wouldn't have caused him to fall.  She also said he had kicked the little rugs away from the bed the day before, so they had nothing to do with him falling.  The doctor asked about him eating or drinking and he said he hadn't been hungry or drinking much the last few days.  The doc was concerned because he had a slight elevated temp and a high white blood cell count, indicating infection of some kind.
    The hospital back home sent him to San Antonio because they thought he should get an MRI , I think because he may have hit his head.  I feel better that he is in the hands of more trained professionals, plus they have more facilities at their disposal.  Just talking to my mom this morning, it might be a longer stay than she planned.  A physical therapist came in and was talking about a plan to get him up and moving again.  My mom said he was being difficult getting out of bed, even though he has been very mobile up until yesterday, so we aren't sure if he is playing possum, after the two falls or if something has changed.

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