Saturday, January 19, 2019

1/19/19 Adding Equipment To Our Gym?

    Friday was payday and Javalina and I had been talking about needing that intermediate between 10 pound dumbbells and 20 pounds.  I suggested that since he had all that Christmas money he buy the pair of 15 pound ones and I buy the next ones we don't have, which might be 35 pounds.  He didn't like the idea of committing his money, so as usual, I figured I would have to foot the bill, which I am used to.  I picked him up after school and after talking with Wife, I knew she was on her way at 4:30 sharp, we had roughly until 7:30pm, to screw around.
    We headed to Academy and luckily, I had already compared prices with Dick's, and even Amazon, and this time, Academy had the cheaper prices.  The fifteen pounders were like $10.39, which was not bad.  We kept looking around and I thought of getting another medicine ball.  We have a huge 20 pounder that is bigger than a basketball and we use it to throw it to each other.  It is a fun activity that will shake your whole body up and gets the heart going, specially with a young buck who starts "talking shit" almost instantly, with the "come on Old Man" and "You looking a little weak...".  To me, this approximates a jolt to the body, like getting hit lightly on the football field, he loves it, me not so much, but it feels good after.  Well, now I was thinking a smaller one would be good just for the arms, we got a 10 pounder that is about the size of a volleyball and we can both hold it with one hand and throw it back and forth.  He can even hold it like a shot put and throw it from his neck, so he can practice his form inside the house, he has one goal this spring and that is to be the strongest shot putter out there.
    I then told him I wanted to walk around and he started sulking, the boy has no patience, figuring that was all he was getting, he started getting fidgety, until we went around and saw a table for jumping up on.  We had been looking at exercises for offensive and defensive linemen and saw one with guys jumping up on tractor tires, but I wasn't sure where I could get one.  He saw this table and immediately grabbed it, I was like "hey, it's $79.99.  Your mom is going to get pissed at me spending so much."  He said very sure of himself "I will pay you back, I really want this one."  Once we discussed it a bit more, he said yeah I still have all my Christmas money, and I said alright.
    We also added a headband to keep the hair out of his face, which he is also thinking about cutting.  I want the hair out of his face because I think he is starting to look like a handsome young man, but I also like the crazy hair if he is going to be a bona fide weightlifter, he could be looking like a stud his freshman year.
    Ultimately, we walked out of there and I told him I couldn't take his money, but since he had wanted to take us out to eat during the holidays, he could pay us back by paying for dinner at Salt Lick, just us three.  He said that sounded good, which makes for a comical story, tomorrow.

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