Wednesday, January 23, 2019

1/23/19 Pantry Cleaning?

    This is one of those tasks we've been talking about for about a year, the cleaning of the kitchen pantry.  Neither of us likes to go through and clean it but it really needed it.  I hate that Wife loads it up with food we rarely eat and then there is no space for it to be done the way I would like.  I like the way things look on TV or in magazines where there is space and nothing is crowded.
    It was an easy start, once we decided to give away our sweets as that took a lot of things out.  My in-laws took probably a box and a bag's worth of food which most of it came from the pantry.  The next thing to do was remove all the stuff that was expired.  It is nice that everything is dated nowadays because some of those boxes and cans were dated all the way back to 2015, which is probably the last time we had cleaned it.  It felt weird removing all this stuff.  It turns out we have like 4 of those big bags of flour mix, yet I haven't tasted a home made tortilla in almost a decade at home.  I know Wife is busy, just saying.  Once I got rid of all that and trimmed down the store bags to three, one for paper, one for plastic/and canvas, and one for those cheap plastic ones from HEB.  We must have had a couple hundred just laying on the floor and all up and down the left side where we try and force them in when we are in a rush.  We should have been throwing them away, I don't know why we collect them.
    Once I got here, working for 20-30 minutes, then stopping for an hour, then going again for awhile and stopping again.  This took me all of Sunday, but eventually I had four long shelves to work with.  One on the left has my coffees and all that stuff, teas, other drinks.  On the other side are like 6-7 cereal boxes, then a section below is for cans, the few I kept that weren't expired.  I told Wife, "We don't eat vegetables from cans, that is so freaking gross.  They should at least be frozen, if not fresh.  There are very few carbs left, but I did keep a couple of different rice boxes, for Boy.
    The lowest shelf is for items like the blender, protein packs in big containers, and trash bags.  It seems we also keep a lot of ziplock baggies in all sorts of sizes.  There is more to do, but this was a very good start.  It allowed me to clean the counters of bags of chips and other stuff we normally keep out, like the sugar container and all the Splenda packs and other day to day stuff.  I just hope this helps with the dieting, having gotten rid of all unnecessary carbs.

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