Friday, January 11, 2019

1/11/19 I Feel A Tiny Bit Woke?

    I am kind of a lover of fads, I don't know if this makes me a tool or just an idiot, but in this latest one, I saw a couple of young people on Youtube converting vans to "live-in" vehicles and that got my juices flowing.  I have always loved those big conversion vans of the 80's, hell my parents owned one and you couldn't be more right that it is just a perfect vehicle for humping, specially for a high school kid with a steady GF.
    Anyways, back to reality, they are very hard to find, Ford stopped selling the Econoline Van series that was used to make the conversion vans like two years ago.  This would make me sad, but I found a company, Sportsmobile, they take a Ford chassis with an engine and driver/passenger seating and build the van portion and attach it.  They also take the liberty of increasing slightly the dimensions, making it roomier than a traditional van from Ford.  This is all just information I was gathering, and when I absorbed enough of it, I had to call Wife and tell her about my next great idea.  What if I get one of these Van/RV thingies as my next vehicle and that way we can own one and get out of town anytime we feel like it.  I tried selling her the idea of fishing at Bob Hall Pier under the stars and then just walking to our home away from home and sleep there on the beach.  Romantic on paper, sucks many balls, as we have been close to this in the past.  But the Van lifers on YouTube make it seem so great, what could possibly be bad about all this?
    In comes another Youtuber to poke so many holes at the Van life guys.  First off, he said he was homeless for a time and when you do live in your car, it will get dirty.  These people he was poking fun at have an immaculately clean VW bus.  He goes from scene to scene making fun at their lifestyle, it was pretty funny and obviously, the people having success with their YouTube videos are the ones with hot chicks showing as much skin as the law will allow.
    This got me coming back to reality pretty quick.  We have had an RV and it was crowded in there and it had two separate "rooms" for the beds (the kids bunks weren't exactly in another bedroom, but it did have walls to separate them from us.  A van might work if it was just Wife and I, otherwise, we still need a large RV if I am going to even think about any of this.  Don't worry about me, I'll be fantasizing about wanting something else as soon as I see it.

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