Wednesday, January 30, 2019

1/30/19 Gifts, and Cake, and Rest, Oh My?

    Around 10:00pm, the court assembled again and my niece was introduced once more along with her court.  This was where I worried for mijo the most.  He didn't really get a chance to practice and he had only practiced two songs anyway.  It turns out there were three, one he was totally blind to but in the end, we fumble our way through things and if we don't make a big deal out of them, most people won't even notice.  Before we knew it, those moments were done, my niece was lifted by the group of boys and all went well.
    After this, we went into the gifting part of the night, which Boy was chosen for a "surprise gift".  What do you give a girl who has everything, luckily?   I thought it would be funny to make her sweat and blush a little bit, so I had been joking for a couple months that we should get her a fishing rod and reel as that is something daddy would never buy his princess.  We also are not animals, so we did buy her a very nice set of a pearl necklace and matching earrings, but that was hid.  First we made her open the box with her Barbie fishing rod and hot pink worm lures.  Wife took a pic where she is somehow holding but not touching the rod and reel looking at me like "are you for real?!"  We then presented her with the smaller box with the appropriate gifts and told her we were just having a little fun and we loved her.  I hadn't told my mom about the pearls either so she said she couldn't believe it when she saw the pink fishing rod.  All the guys in the family gave me a high five and thought that was a great gag.  The gifts continued and eventually we got to the cake.
    I want to say that the cake was beautiful and it was pink but that fondant or whatever it is called is hard to swallow, unlike frosting of the past.  I also have to say that the cake was not freshly made, for all its beauty on the outside, it was stale and at least 4-5 days old.  Other than this though, it was about a perfect night.  None of us really drank, I mean I had a "shot" with my brother and his brother in law who is a very likable guy, but that wasn't going to get me even buzzy.  By 11:30pm, my boys were tired, Wife's family had left and I was getting hungry.  I went and excused myself from my brother, got the alarm key from my mother and headed to the one taco place that is open late.
    There is no better feeling after a long day than getting home, stripping off the formal wear and getting back to our regular clothes with some tacos to enjoy.  My folks showed up half an hour later saying the night had been great.  My mom's only thing was that she had a prettier dress she had bought for the dance that she never got a chance to come home and change into as she chose to dress conservatively for the church, but really, that is a first world problem.  Hat's off to my brother and his wife for running a tight ship and keeping everything under control.  They ran a first class affair without a hitch.  Take a deep breath Bro, you've been uptight and on edge for almost a year over this.  I hope you're relaxing now.

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