Thursday, January 24, 2019

1/24/19 What Are We Eating Now?

    We have been on an Atkins type diet now for almost three weeks.  I am feeling pretty good about myself, not weak or starving.  I love meat, but I don't think I am overdoing it with just meat either.  The last two weeks I have been making real nice looking meals for Javalina and I afterschool.  We start out by getting home and working out with weights, then I cook whatever meat we bought, such as last week I had gotten a couple of small New York Strips for one day, Salmon steaks for another day, and pork tenderloins for another day.  These are not large pieces, usually about half a pound or so, so the price stays comfortable.  After cooking this on a pan with just enough Pam so it doesn't stick, I load up the plate with a salad composed of lettuce or spinach or in some instances when Wife butts in, those salads that are meant for stir fry.  I consider this our main meal of the day, as I have just woken up and starting my day.
    For dinner, I will rummage through the fridge and like tonight, Wife had boiled some eggs for me and Boy.  I ate mine yesterday, and I figured if he can't eat his in two nights time, they are free for whoever before they go bad.  I took his, cut them in half and ate them in some toasted bread we found that was low in carbs, also rough as hell, but oh well.  I ate a couple spoons of the tuna salad which without bread is funky to eat.  We are eating a lot of cheese in those stick forms meant for kids.  It has to be good cheese though, otherwise, it tastes like eating yellow plastic.
    We still have some chocolate shakes which can substitute for a meal and I personally like eating handfuls of nuts.  Today, I tried a can of those sardines with an avocado.  It was gross to look at, but fish is always good.  I am drinking more water, the diet sodas just barely cut it.  Diet Pepsi is passable, so is diet Dr. Pepper, but I bought a six pack of Big Red Zero, which I love Big Red, Zero just doesn't work.  I bought them Sunday and it is Thursday and there are still 5 in the fridge.  Maybe in a glass with a bunch of ice.  Diet tea is good, both in pre-mixed form and those powders that are mixed with water.
    We have not been eating out, but the other day Javalina was really missing his chicken tenders from Bill Miller, so we went and Wife and I had the rib plates which was their sale item.  It wasn't that bad, no comparison to the ribs from Salt Lick, but we were able to get cole slaw and green beans as sides and those don't have carbs, so the meal worked.
    There is stuff to eat, I would be hurting for sweets, but we have the sugar-free jellos which are great, specially with cool whip, which is all very low carbs.  I haven't been missing anything I normally eat which is good because I really needed a change.  I love that Javalina is taking it seriously and he busts my balls to stay at it.  If I miss anything it is the pan dulce on a morning when I am off and just wanting to hang out and drink coffee, but since nobody else in the house enjoys it, I find it easy to not buy it, so then I don't have the excuse to eat it all.

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