Tuesday, January 22, 2019

1/22/19 Visit From The In-Laws?

    Wife got a call from her sister Saturday morning that they did not have anything to do and a long weekend to do it.  Both sisters in law have Monday off for MLK, including our boys over here.  Wife, unfortunately, had to go and work.  Before they arrived, I had talked earlier in the week with Girlie and she asked if I could use my card at Discount Tire so she could charge two tires for her car and she would pay me back.  I said sure, and she made an appointment for 11:00am.
    Even with an appointment, it was going to take a couple hours, so I called Wife to join us and we ate an early lunch at Serrano's., around noon.  Since I was doing her a favor, she treated for lunch, which was nice.  We sat there and caught up, it had been awhile since she had been to the house, but eventually, we headed home to wait for Wife's family.
    The in-law's showed up about 4:00pm, we sat and got caught up here, then Wife got the idea to give them all of our sweets that we aren't supposed to eat, such as boxes of cookies, and other junk food like that.  This was what sort of got the ball rolling on cleaning later in the evening, but more on that, later.  They weren't here to necessarily do anything, but Wife kept asking me if I had any plans, and of course, if you ask, I'll come up with a need.  I told her I have been wanting to go back to Dick's to see their workout stuff.  Javalina and I talked about a weighted vest that went up to 80 pounds which he really wanted, so off we went with the family all in our Excursion.  This is the main reason I don't want to get rid of it, usually everyone fits  and we can go in one vehicle.
    We looked around the Dick's over in Bee Caves and although it was very clean and the staff was friendly, it seemed smaller than the one over on the east side.  There was hardly any workout equipment, but I really did like some squat racks that looked very beefy and at $300 for the smaller and $700 for the full 4 post rack, they both seemed like good deals.  Wife was even saying "go ahead", if you want to, but you two better use it.  I know that at some point, Javalina needs to get squatting with weight, but it seemed too easy and then the stuff might not fit with the vehicle already full with people, so I said maybe next time.
    We ended up eating at Poke Joe's since we are all trying to stay low on carbs.  Wife got a plate with turkey, and green beans, Javalina and I got their chef salad, he with sausage on top and mine with brisket.  It seemed like a simple meal, but it hit the spot and there was no guilt afterwards.  We ended the night by walking around Target and getting some things we had been meaning to get.  I bought Boy some frames for his many many posters, and Javalina threw in an electric toothbrush amongst many other things.
    Boy showed up by pure coincidence at Target, and said hi to his grandparents, he had been in San Antonio at one of those comic cons.  Once we got home, my in-laws left and I started cleaning our pantry as Wife got on the computer to do something or other.

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