Saturday, January 12, 2019

1/12/19 I Love It When Wife Has A Day Off?

    It only happens about twice a semester, but I love when Wife surprisingly is off on a Friday and the boys are kept busy by school.  This means that if I can put on my big boy pants after I get out of work, we can go enjoy breakfast and even a little bit more, just like a newlywed couple, which is nice, once in a while.  Don't get me wrong, I love the company of our boys, but sometimes we just need to go back to basics.
    Wife was home late Thursday night, which is cool, but I did work, so we did not even see each other.  My plan was to eat something quickly as I do every night and run up and take a nap, but for some reason, Boy and his GF came down like at 2:20am and we started talking, I don't see much of Boy during the week, so this was good.  He works and gets home after 7:00pm, I am at work by about that time, if I see him it is when I come home for lunch, as he does stay up late.  Before I know it, I am in deep conversation about my thoughts on carrying on after a loved one's death, and being an atheist how do I cope.  We touched on other interesting topics but it was mostly the GF asking me.  We have a lot of the same beliefs, and it is easy to get into good discussions, but before I knew it, it was 4:10am and I was late for work, so I never even got off the table other than to leave back for work.
    Friday morning, Wife was up when Javalina was getting ready for work, we had discussed having breakfast, so she was in the shower.  She said she could hear me talking, at night, but was too tired to come down, after working all day, then driving the three hours, I understand.  We dropped off the boy, and headed off to IHOP.  We are kind of doing Atkins or some variation, so I was only going to eat an omelette, but you know, who can say no to a plate of pancakes when they come free?  We sat there for a while, the coffee was delicious, Wife had some good stories, that little town she works in just has me humming the "Dukes of Hazzard" theme song all the time.
    We followed this by going to HEB and stocking up, we had talked about going out to Saltlick for a meat buffet, but since it was expected to rain all evening, we bought a big bag of fajitas and sausages and grilled that at home at night.  We were home by 10:30am or so, I have been binging on Black-ish this week, I relate so much to the dad, I love the show.  When it came out I wanted to watch it, it seemed like a modern riff on the Cosby's, the family is black and upper middle class to rich, but Wife was not interested so we kind of ignored it, but then Wife caught it on Hulu and got me to watch it, and it is just too funny.  We saw an episode or two and I was out by noon.
    I still got up before 4:00 to go get Javalina from school, which was followed by a quick trip to Home Depot before the mist and the rain started approaching.  We got home by 5:00pm and Javalina was a hard ass reminding me that we didn't work out Thursday, so we needed to do it on Friday.  We worked out for about an hour, then we got to grilling.  The rest of the night was a blur as I was totally drained, but we introduced Javalina to Scrubs on Hulu and he loved it so much, I didn't get to see any Black-ish episodes, but that is ok.  We saw about 8 episodes in a row, poor little guy has either a tooth coming out or a cavity, but he was in pain all night.  Good thing Wife got him scheduled for a visit in the morning, which is where we are headed in about ten minutes.  It is 9:40am on Saturday morning, and the dentist is scheduled for 10:00am, but it is only about 5 minutes away.

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