Sunday, September 30, 2018

9/30/18 My Folks Visit, Finally?

    My folks finally came up to Austin, it had been a long while.  They arrived Friday around 7:30pm, and sorry, but I was busy at the time they arrived with installing a new TV in Javalina's room.  First off, we had tried putting off the TV purchase to coincide with his birthday next month.  It would turn on occasionally, if he waited and hour or two and tried again, it might turn on and work, sometimes, it did not.  This past week he told me he couldn't get it to turn on at all.  Lucky for him, Best Buy has these 65 inch TVs for $600 and they look pretty good, for the cost.  It is the first flat screen to go bad on us, not sure why, but that is fine.  We are even still using the very first flat screen, a 32 inch TV we bought for Boy when we still lived in the other house, it cost $600, but now it is hanging in our breakfast nook area in the kitchen.  It is the perfect size for the space.
    After hanging the TV, we said hello and decided we needed to go eat.  We went to eat at Mandola's Italian, getting there about half an hour before it closed.  I had started with Wife that I wasn't too hungry, we had eaten a snack when we stopped to get pan dulce, but the pizza I ordered was so good I about ate all of it myself, even though Wife and I were going to share each other's food.  Her shrimp scampi was just as good.  It seemed late, so we headed home after this.
    Saturday, I got up super early, as usual, and wrote my blog and sat around with my folks drinking coffee and conversing.  My dad was obsessed with the start of the Longhorns game, meanwhile I like to watch them, but if there is family or something else to do, then that wins.  We decided to take my mom and brother to Dimassi's Mediterranean for lunch.  It has Greek food in buffet form.  A lot of the food looks different and sketchy, but everything I have tasted there so far has been delicious.  I noticed this last time on their rice, they had a couple of cinnamon sticks laying on top and sure enough, I could taste a light quality of cinnamon in the rice.
    From getting up early and eating so much at 2:00 in the afternoon, I knew I was going to be lights out for a couple hours.  I got home, barely remember crawling into bed and I slept like a baby for about two hours.  I came down to try and watch the last of the Longhorns with my Dad, and I kind of did, but still fell asleep there in the guest room where he chose to watch the game.
    Wife and my Mom kept going, they went to several stores and came home looking for dinner around 8:00pm.  We tried going to Longhorn Steakhouse, but it was going to be upwards of an hour wait.  We then drove to Kyle and ate at Logan's and luckily, there was no wait.  I had what seems like a lame meal in that it was a salad, but it was just what I needed.  I washed it down with one of their blue vodka lemonade drinks and some water.
    We came back home and I got the chance to introduce The Good Place to my mom.  We saw about three episodes before we all fell asleep.  I then tried writing this blog, but only got as far as the first sentence and then just stared at the computer for another 20 minutes.

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