Friday, September 7, 2018

9/7/18 Premature (Netflix)

    I have been watching a lot of movies lately on Netflix due to how my job works.  I spend half the night getting samples prepared and then the other half stuck on a chair in front of a tool running samples.  There is nothing else to do once I sit, so I go through a movie or two unless I am really into something on YouTube.
    Premature was another teen movie of kids finishing high school and getting ready to move on to college.  This one was cool because it was like a mix of Groundhog Day and American Pie.  The main kid has an interview to Georgetown University which he hasn't realized he is only doing it for his parents.  Before he knows it, he is pulled out of his routine and hanging out with his best girl friend.  The resident hottie has been getting tutored by him and she suggests he come over to her house for an impromptu study session.  When he gets there, she admits she has had a crush on him for a long time and starts undressing.  She gets up real close to him and starts going for his crotch.  As soon as she starts massaging him in all the right places, spurt.  His orgasm is the reset button as he figures out after a couple of scenarios.
    After awhile, he stops caring about getting dressed for the interview and just wants to figure out how to stop the madness.  At a certain point, he starts figuring out who he is and what he needs to do instead of being a machine that just pleases his parents.  Alan Tudyk plays the recruiter from Georgetown and as always, does a hilarious job on a nothing role.  He plays it up and makes himself part of the funny.
    The shenanigans are in full swing as we see him go from smoking a little weed, to picking a fight with the boys volleyball team, to beating up (or trying to) his 4th grade bully, and going as far as feeling up the boobs on a teacher who just seems to have too much going on under her blouse.  He manages to save himself by getting to an orgasm and resetting his day each time, as embarrassing as that moment is.
    He starts going crazy because he is stuck in a loop, he decides he is cursed and takes it out on the goofy neighbor of his best friend who is a girl.  They go to his house and the grandma is from the old country, or something, she has a creepy vibe and basically attacks the kid.  I was unclear if she attacked him to give him the curse or attacked him because of the curse.
    In the end, all he needed was to figure out who he really wanted to be with and not screw around too much.  Georgetown would be a great school, but maybe not for him.

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