Wednesday, September 26, 2018

9/26/18 Javalina Thinks Keeping A Clone Is Like Having A Pet Turtle?

    I like asking Javalina about school because he loves to talk and will usually remember something to talk about.  He said today they were discussing what their opinions were on clones.  His opinion is that it would be great to keep a clone in some frozen state and if he ever needs organs, then he has a clear match.  He understands that this is an expensive technology and the only people who would benefit would be the rich, of course.  Then he said that there have been breakthroughs, like Dolly, the sheep cloned in A&M a few years ago.  That would cost about $140,000 to do a human with that technology.  My opinion is that it is not fair for a basically "human" to stick around for the sole purpose of replacing organs when and if I need them.  What if I die in an accident, the clone has to be destroyed too, would he have been in the trunk, just in case, it travels everywhere you go?
    Javalina says as long as he doesn't have to build a bond with it, he doesn't want to talk to "it" or cloth it or feed it.  I say that is not fair, it thinks, it breathes, yet you want it kept isolated, what a shitty way to be.  Although, what if it has heart (The Replacements reference) and it decides it is going to go for a run and read classic literature and pretty soon it is a better version of you than you?  Javalina didn't like the angle of this thought.  He still stuck to his guns and he would keep it isolated and dumb.  It would be worse than Dobie, no old clothes or nothing, just rags.
    I believe there was a book and a movie along these lines.  The clones ended up fighting back and escaping from a hospital or something.  What do you do when this happens and they go and commit crimes?  Is it the responsibility of the original or can a clone be charged with crimes.  At that point, they might as well be considered their own individual.
    I like that the boy will take a stand and support his ideas.  He says very few people will raise their hands and participate in class, which he says sucks, and it is usually him against another girl or two.  His thought on clones comes from a good place.  He worries about his grandparents and if they need organs, it would be easy for them to take them from a clone, with no worries of them matching.  As a motorcycle passed by, I said I like it the way it is right now.  See that idiot, that is somebody's organs eventually.  Motorcyclists love to speed and die, so we always have a ready batch of fresh organs without paying the $140,000 fee and raising another family member.

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