Sunday, October 23, 2016

10/24/16 What Do The Unemployables Do All Day?

    I guess I got enough sleep last night, I did not mean to fall asleep, but I sat down in my bedroom to watch Selling Jets, (yes Gallegos peeps, I am buying a jet, lend me a million bucks, I'll pay you back) and I fell asleep before the first half hour episode finished.  This had to be around midnight.  I woke up around 3:00am and made my way to the bed, I am always nervous when I go to bed at night, I don't like sleeping in the dark.  I then woke up with the alarm at 6:40am to make sure the boys got up and ate before school.
    After dropping off Chubs, I came home and now without having to be asleep I am simply writing a few blogs for next few days (Saturday, Sunday, and Monday) so I am not distracted when I should be with Wife.  But seriously, what do people who have no schedule do?  I can't imagine just watching TV all day, although I might sit and watch the last two episodes of Highway Thru Hell, they finally released the third season.  It's about tow truckers in Canada pulling tractor trailers out after they crash with these giant tow trucks. 
    I opened the windows to let the house breath, it is cooler outside than inside with this little cold front, it feels so great.  With the windows open though, I still can't hear anything.  An hour ago, it got annoying with the neighbor to the right getting their grass cut, but they did it rather quick.  Now I am sitting with the hum of the refrigerator about the only thing I can hear.  People just stay in their houses doing chores waiting for their productive mates to get home?  I know I should take out the trash, iron, fold clothes, vacuum, wash morning dishes, but is that all there is?  If so, isn't it better if I work longer hours, at least I get paid more, rather than being locked at home doing manual labor for free?
    I guess If I had friends, I might go have a lunch date, or go for a run, I did used to bike around town lake many moons ago.  Boy stopped by a couple minutes ago, dropped off his backpack, drank a coffee from the fridge (cold peppermint coffee), and before I could think, he was out the door to go pick up his friend.  I guess if I want to run around with a bro, I gotta wait for my mini-bro, not that he likes leaving the house once he makes it into his room afterschool.
    I guess I should've just gotten home and laid down.  I am starting to feel the laziness overcoming me.  It is a couple minutes to noon, if I go upstairs now, I can still sleep 3.5 hours and then go pick up Chubs.  If I follow this logic to its conclusion, people do what they do to fill the time they have. 

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