Thursday, October 13, 2016

10/13/16 Hold On?

    It started as a simple job.  You two will work together, like it or not, you will be bound and be one.  Being the times it was, neither had a choice.  Their first challenge was going to be the elements, for they were assigned on an outpost out in the open, if it was hot, they would be hot, if it was cold, they would shiver together, if it was wet, and it always was, well, that is when they had their fun, that is when they were really tested to see what they were made of.  Dogs were always a problem.  They came and did their worst, he always protected her as best he could.  Even when he failed, she would hold him up and keep him in her best light, for he was not made for that express purpose, he did it anyway.
    His real task was to keep her looking her best and protect her, he unequivocally was top notch.  If he had graduated from some school, it would have been like Quantico, where the best marines are turned into FBI servicemen.  He believed in no short cuts, he was totally old school.  Just apply yourself to your job and be there.  You don't dance, you don't party, you simply provide protection and cover for as long as you can. 
    Although she was of nobility, coming from a rare woodland area and surrounded by her kin, she was never able to produce children.  Not that she wanted to, she had seen many of her kind perish, she felt this world was never going to understand her kind, rather they were just going to be used for man's folly.  If that was what was in store, fine, she would accept it and just live in anonymity amongst her remaining peeps.
    He, on the other hand, was purely a city dweller, born in an industrial complex surrounded by high technology.  It was their differences that made them work together so well.  For fifty years they lived together, one could say they had an impenetrable bond.  He lost his strength and his shine always protecting her.  He knew all along his would be a shorter life, but he hoped that if he did good enough, she would maybe even get another twenty or even forty years of life.  And so it goes, eventually he was removed from her sight, buried nearby, and eventually she took another, if not out of love, then surely for the protection the first coat of paint had provided.  This little picket fence would do whatever she needed to do to ensure she remained on the fence for as long as possible.

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