Sunday, April 3, 2022

4/3/22 Lunch WIth The In-Law's?

     Saturday seemed like a long day for me.  I really get up too early for my own good, it seems.  I was up at 7:00am, I've been trying to exercise without excuses, and I really need alone time to do this, if Wife were to wake up early with me, there is no doubt I would be redirected to do something else involving her.  I guess that is why I like the early part of the day, she will sleep until noon, if left to her own devices, she does have a rough week, driving back and forth to San Antonio, so I can't give her a hard time.

    I did my little workout, then remembered the Telluride needed an oil change, and by this time it was only 9:15am.  I went and brushed my teeth and ran out the door.  The simple oil change took almost 2.5 hours, although they did also include cleaning the fuel injectors, one of those pesky maintenance things they recommend every so often.  I was there at the Kia dealer waiting the whole time, which really seems sad when they have hardly any inventory to look through.  It is the same at Ford and Dodge, next door.  I was really bothered by the fact that Kia had a Corvette Stingray sitting in their showroom.  I asked a couple of the salesmen who came up to me with their pushy routines why they would have a competitor's product in their showroom?  They just said the manager had decided to display it.  I though the idea was stupid, would Dodge put a Mustang Shelby in their showroom, just because it cost a lot?

    I got back home, Boy was there, he had a load in the wash and was sitting in the kitchen alone.  I asked if his mom had come down, he said no.  I went up there expecting to find her midway putting on her make-up, but no, she was buried in blankets. looking way too comfy.  I asked, "aren't we supposed to be in San Antonio here in a while?"  She got up like she knew she was running behind, blaming me for not waking her up earlier.  I just said, "I was getting your oil changed, and I did text multiple times."

    Lunch was actually really good.  Everyone showed up, including a cousin.  We were going to eat at Panchito's, but the restaurant people at the door were rude, according to the younger sister and even Wife.  It was also packed, and they told us the wait would be an hour to hour and a half.  It's fucking beans and rice, we should be able to eat that almost anywhere in San Antonio without waiting that long.  We went a couple blocks down and instead ate at Mary Lou's Cafe.  The restaurant was much more comfortable and very accommodating.  I say comfortable in that the A/C was perfect, not too hot, not too cold.  It didn't stink, Wife said Panchito's had a smell, and we were kind of sat in an almost private section, so we were not crowded by other people.  The food was okay, but they did give us the rare homemade tortillas, that actually tasted homemade, just a little plumper than they have to be and like they were freshly made.

    I spent the probably two hours we were there talking with my brother-in-law about watches and other stuff, it was good, Wife and Baby A just don't care about my interests enough to get into conversations like that.  Technically, we were celebrating Boy's birthday, along with my in-law's 52nd anniversary, or something like that.  We didn't make much about either, other than we sang Happy Birthday and had two cakes after our meal.  It was good, we were back home before 6:00pm, and we ended the night with a pizza and a movie.  We are supposed to be on a low carb diet, but once you break the rules for Mexican food, might as well keep it going the rest of the day.  We'll get back on the diet Monday, I guess.  Sunday we are supposed to meet my family again in San Antonio for Italian, so that will be another load of carbs.

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