Sunday, April 24, 2022

4/24/22 Oh Brother, Where Art Thou? (Movie)

     Although I was sick Friday night, going into Saturday and I slept most of the day, by 6:00pm, my chills broke, and I started feeling immediately better.  My plans had been to grill Saturday and Sunday, luckily Wife jumped in and just threw the meat I had left in the fridge in the oven.  We then ate and watched a couple of movies, which we hadn't done in a long while, it seemed.  We have been busy almost every weekend lately.

    One of the movies we saw was Oh Brother, Where Art Thou? with George Clooney, which is one I had wanted Mijo to see for a while now.  It is really a good movie, how can one not enjoy it, with its music, and everything that goes on to the three "heroes", from escaping from prison to battling the Klan, there is a lot going on in a short 1 hour and 47 minutes.  I like when a movie shocks my son into saying something like "woah" or "What the F**k!?" and George "Baby Face Nelson" Nelson got him there.  He was in a little amazement when he asks for his "choppa" and starts shooting at the cops while hanging out the door but then he really freaked out when he starts shooting the cows which gets them running to the street and the cops hit one.  It had me almost falling out of my chair laughing at his reaction.

    The scene with the sirens was also interesting, as he is talking to the screen that no good is going to come from girls just hanging out in the middle of the woods like that.  He was sure also sure Delmar was going to get killed once he got baptized in the river as he is doing one of those soliloquies about how great he feels, and all his sins are forgiven.  The movie is full of great little moments, them joining the black guitar player and singing "Man of Constant Sorrow" and then it becomes a hit without them knowing was awesome.  I remember the song played on the radio and it still plays once in a while.

    I really enjoyed the idea that the movie pays homage to the Odyssey.  From the sirens to a cyclops (in Big John Teague), to having a blind ghost prophet in the blind railroad hobo that gives them a ride and lessons that they will encounter on their journeys.  At this point, I believe most people have seen this movie at least once, I know we have enjoyed it multiple times since it came out in 2000.  It is not quite an 80's classic, but I believe it is a really good movie that should be seen by all.  I was also glad Mijo thought it was good, and it was one of the rare older movies we showed him that got a thumbs up.

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