Thursday, September 2, 2021

9/3/21 Biden's Clusterfuck?

     This president keeps fucking up in new and creative ways for the purpose of making things worse for America it seems.  He makes these grand gestures and without realizing it fucks things up for huge portions of the country's population.  On his first day, he shut down the huge oil pipeline that was supposed to make it more efficient to move oil to the refineries in the US.  It wasn't that he was protecting the lands where the oil is being taken from, this oil continues to move by old fashion rail, but he destroyed thousands of jobs with the stroke of a pen.  His next bold move was to essentially open the southern border to any and all.  This has had devastating effects as illegals from all over the world have been pouring in since he took office in January.  Where is the outpouring of crying from idiots like AOC about kids in cages, now that they call them temporary housing, it's all good?

    I agree that we needed to get out of Afghanistan, I don't think there was great support to remain there ad infinitum, but the way it was done was about as bad as something can be done.  When a family leaves their house in the morning, the husband doesn't charge out and look behind wondering why the 1 year old hasn't made it into the car, I guess asshole families might do it that way, but clearly, an authority or power should always remain until the weaker less able are taken care of.  It blows my mind that upwards of 40,000 American civilians were over there doing god knows what.  As a side note, I do have to ask "WHAT THE FUCK WERE SO MANY AMERICANS DOING THERE?"  Fuck, go to Disney assholes, talk to Disney to add a desert feature to EPCOT if you want to hang out in a sandy environment.  As mad as we want to be with our leaders and Biden sadly is the head of that organization right now, some responsibility needs to be put on these people who always think it is a good idea to venture out where we don't belong.  Why was there a class room of high school students out there that is currently still trapped in Afghanistan?  The army got out in the timeline the Taliban demanded because that is what this president does, listen to our enemy and march by their orders.

    I don't see a good outcome for those remaining, I do hope they go down fighting, maybe a nice woke poster and take to the streets.  Make it about how women should have the same rights men do, like y'all like to do here.  I bet all those woke lefties stuck over there are laying pretty low lest they get the attention of the new law in town.

    Then again, if they are not careful, they might be the ones hanging from the Blackhawk helicopters that we so generously gave them.

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