Wednesday, September 15, 2021

9/15/21 A Little Confused By Parent's Approaches To Football Team?

     Why are so many parents half-asses?  I cannot stand the lackadaisical effort most parents put into their kids endeavors.  These kids are putting their bodies on the line week and week out for the love of a game and I would say more than half don't even bother showing up, that is asshole behavior to me.  It was worse Freshman year when I would sit with maybe 4-5 other parents in the stands, never mind when the weather gets ugly. There was one game I was the only parent out there through the first half of the game.

    This is actually not even about the really bad parents who are invisible and non participatory.  This is about the few parents who "care" and even bother to show up.  We are trying to kind of become this group of booster parents and provide food for the team.  For some reason, the school does not feed the boys multiple meals, such as last week when the best course was to have the team get dropped off at 10:30am because of the bus shortage and then have them sit there all day until 7:30pm when the game actually starts.  Wife worries about all the classroom time they are losing, I am more worried about them going hungry when the school provides one meal that is supposed to last all day.  We ended up providing burgers and even got some help from two parents who bought the cheese and buns.  We paid for the patties and I grilled them.  Along with that, for example on the first game, we provided sodas, which are cheaper than Gatorades.  I was told there are 60 kids on the team, so I bought 5-12 packs of different sodas.

    The only thing I want to hear is "Thank You" if anything, not "well, soda isn't the best for kids, juice is better, or Gatorade, we don't let our son drink soda, it is really bad for you."  Wife has been going to the meetings, I have been at work at that time, so I can't argue the fact and Wife won't, she is too polite.  We then bought like 6 cases of Gatorade thinking that would last 2-3 games and dropped them off only to hear "put some of those out for the JV, their coming back from their game in a bit."  I am not sure if that meant our specific Gatorade cases, but the parents for the JV kids should be providing for their kids, fuck that.  I told Wife we will only take the cases, if we buy more, on game day, we won't be dropping them off early anymore and we are just taking a limited amount.

    Last night, they were calling for burgers again and this time they also wanted hot dogs.  I texted Wife not to volunteer me, I think we did our part, let some other parent step up.  Wife said they sat in that stupid meeting almost two hours discussing nothing but finally another parent said they would make the burgers this week.  They wanted sausage wraps for after the game, and I guess we could do it, it's not that I can't afford it, but I don't think it is healthy to make these before the game and then have them sit in a cooler for 5 hours and then give them to the kids.  They should be made by one of the shit parents who stays home, since apparently, they don't want to go out and watch their son do something they enjoy.

    Along with the Gatorades and sodas, I thought it would be fun to also buy some Rice Krispies Treats, Welch's Fruit Snacks, Pretzel snacks, and we even threw in a bag of candies.  Why not?  They are still kids and if they are going to have to sit around all day bored at some faraway campus for 8-9 hours, let them enjoy.  These kids run around in the heat for 3-4 hours a day, they will burn off a couple of candies and sodas.  I still feel a pushback that we could provide better snacks, which to that I say, "yeah, you go for it."  

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