Sunday, September 26, 2021

9/26/21 Babies Having Babies?

     Sometimes Wife does such a great job of describing her job that it gives me the hibby jibbies and all I want to do is hunker down in my house with my shotgun by my side.  Fuck, I hate poor misguided people, and we seem to be getting more of them every year.  We went to pick up blankets Saturday morning, which is something we do about 3-4 times a year.  This is something Wife started doing with another older lady who works with a program where I guess they have a bunch of little old ladies working in a sweat shop, no I think they just do it as a hobby in a series of nursing homes, but I am not sure.  Either way, she'll pick up a couple hundred of these small blankets, the kind you would use in the living room to cover your legs while watching TV, or basically blankets sized for children and then Wife disperses them to any kids in her district who will take them.  This started long ago while she worked in Bastrop, she told the lady when she moved to La Pryor that she would no longer be working in the area, but she was not fazed and said as long as they were helping kids, it was alright.  Well, the program is now 7-8 years in and still going strong.

    After we got the blankets, I guess it triggered Wife where the blankets were going and she asked me "guess how many babies we have in our school program (their daycares for the girls going to school)?"  I was working a number in my head, not that I was thinking about this.  She said we have 8... to which I thought for a millisecond, that isn't too bad for a poor school district... then she finished her sentence and said 8 daycares, four for each of the high schools and four for the junior highs.  Five of these are at capacity at 60 kids apiece. and the other three are above 30-40 kids.  How do you process this?  I was dumbfounded and kind of stuck as to what to say to this.  That means that in her school district of 14,000 students, they already have a head start on the next generation with over 500 babies using government funds to stay in school and have their babies essentially in school along with them.  It is now theoretically possible for Mama to be in high school and baby to be in kinder or elementary.

    Wife is always unfazed by stuff like this, which makes her a better person than me, I am completely disgusted and truly believe birth control should just be pumped into the water supply.  It turns out Wife is in charge of these daycares at least at the administrator level, she didn't even know they existed before this week.  She promptly called the lady in charge of their day to day running and they had a good discussion.  Wife said she'll be getting with her to work on something or other.  I suggested "yeah, this girls need to learn about condoms and birth control..." Wife quickly said "no, this is Texas, the only thing we believe in is abstinence..." I might be a new conservative, but I am not stupid, people, especially the poor and stupid, like to fuck, as entertainment and for any other reason.  We were there too, and I guess we were lucky it took 5 years before Wife got pregnant, but damn, there has to be a better way.  How are things going to improve if we just keep doing the same thing?

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