Thursday, July 1, 2021

7/1/21 Why Are People Still Wearing Masks?

     I just saw a video of a guy asking people at a park or festival of some kind outside why they are still wearing masks and I think the quick answer is because they aren't too bright or they're liberals and this is a flex for them.  At this point, if you have a real fear you should have gotten vaccinated, that excuse is no longer valid plus scientists, including shitty Dr. Fauci have said regular masks don't really stop the transmission of the virus, so you're really not protecting yourself, and don't give me that shit that you wear it to protect others, nobody cares about other people that much.  I think it helps identify liberals from conservatives and in this weird world we live in today, it is the liberals who like being constrained by invisible tethers because the government tells them to do it.

    My phone has a Covid counter of some kind and shows the daily death counter along with weather information and most days the last two months, the numbers are between the teens and 30 deaths a day.  That is not perfect, but in its highpoint, up to 400 people a day were dying.  One could say that sucks but we must remember that the regular old flu kills a lot of old people too, it is a top ten killer for humans, that little virus kills more humans than sharks, dogs, alligators, and hippos combined every year, just saying, 49,783 in 2019, per

    I stopped wearing a mask about two months ago, when this all started, I panicked, cried a bit with Wife, specially when those mother fuckers on TV said it killed old and fat people.  I was sure it was just a matter of time.  Fucking assholes, I could kick those shits in the balls!!!!  I had to continue going to work, I would start my day by taking alcohol and wiping everything down in my lab, sit there alone at night with my stupid mask, then reality started coming out.  Wiping stuff down wasn't necessary, masks don't really do anything, ultimately, we didn't go out to eat for a year and the first time we did, I got Covid, but all it did was I lost my sense of smell and taste.  I know many people, even people my folks know passed away from it, but I still think it was overblown.

    It is a little ridiculous when I still see an occasional driver in his car alone, with windows rolled up, wearing a mask, or a jogger, by himself on a sidewalk, no people around, wearing the mask, nose out.  What are you doing?  Even the idiot liberals that were being interviewed had their noses sticking out, but I guess the virus respects you trying 50% because you keep your mouth covered, or you wear it around your chin.  And of course, Covid fully respects when you eat amongst friends, it doesn't attack then.  Fucking posers, nobody is impressed but you.

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