Saturday, July 24, 2021

7/23/21 Covid Conspiracy?

     I guess on the surface, Covid 2- Electric Boogaloo is back and stronger than ever.  It was almost gone it appeared, for a month but I guess it is now back and the kids might spend another year at home locked down?  It is harder and harder to buy this BS, from my perspective.  This past week my mom, dad, brother in law and both my sister's kids all got Covid.  Someone on Baby A's team got it, so he has to quarantine for two weeks or however long they are recommending.  They got after me at work for not wearing a mask which I thought was a little funny when they told me "you were reported for not wearing a mask last week in the lab."  I told her "I haven't been wearing a mask in the lab for the last year and a half, I am alone 99% of the time."  I was then told to "put on a mask."  All I can say is "yeah yeah yeah."  I don't think management really knows where the lab is located, they tend to stay on their cubicles, but whatever.

    What I find interesting is that none of them have the no smell, no taste symptoms which seemed to be the leading symptoms when I got it in January.  I still am not 100% on those senses, but it's alright.  My dad had a slight cough, my mom had a runny nose, my nephew had a slight fever and cough, the other nephew didn't have any symptoms, I don't think my brother in law had symptoms.  My mom and dad have been vaccinated which I think helps give a false positive, not that I know anything.  My brother had the same symptoms as them but is not vaccinated and he did not test positive.  They are all doing more or less good, it is behaving like a mild flu or a cold.  Baby A has no symptoms, I already had it, Wife and Boy are vaccinated, so I don't see a reason to do anything else on our end.  A coach did call us and said it was up to us as far as what we did, but the school has an obligation to keep the kids away from school.

    I'm not saying Covid isn't a real thing, but are we just going to accept this delta variant bullshit?  When and if it starts slowing down it'll be the Epsilon variant and then the Zeta, Eta, Theta, Iota, Kappa, Lambda, Moo, Nu and the rest of the Greek letters?  Maybe something needs to be done, maybe not.  But I don't get all the strict standards in one place, like school activities shutting down, then being able to go have lunch at whatever restaurant with no one wearing masks, going to HEB and it seems like 1999.  Either it is a real emergency and we should all shut down, including the asshole mortgage lenders expecting their monthly payment, if no one is working, I mean renters were protected, why not us homeowners?  Or just let this mofo play out and stop acting like the sky is falling.

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