Wednesday, July 21, 2021

7/21/21 Not All Heroes Wear Capes, Indeed?

     I swore I was smelling a little funk in the house, but I couldn't figure out from where.  My first reaction is to always take the trash out when I smell a funk and we did eat chicken thighs last night which Baby A made and so the packaging would be in the trash, but it didn't quite smell that way.  I then went to lighting some candles and sprayed the rooms with a generic Lysol container Wife had laying around.  Maybe it helped a bit in the kitchen but I could still kind of smell it in the rest of the house.

    I took Mijo to his practice and when I came back it definitely still smelled and since I was washing clothes I thought the smell might be the washroom itself, it does have a little musty smell, but it shouldn't be permeating the house and it always has that faint smell, Baby A showers too many times a day and there are always a couple of wet towels on the floor but it wasn't that smell.  I was fixing to go exploring the bathrooms, maybe Boy's bathroom was backed up and since I never go in there, I wouldn't notice it right away.  Before going upstairs, I decided to wash the few dishes on the counter and I noticed the water didn't go down right.  I attempted to run the disposal and it made a silent whirring sound, so I thought it must be blocked and not turning, so I got a wrench and went to force it over to turn but it turned smoothly.  I figured I'd run some hot water and clean it out anyway and then I noticed the water wasn't draining and coming up the other side, where we stack the washed dishes, which gave me a gross feeling if this has been happening and we hadn't noticed.

    I didn't want to but I looked at Youtube real quick and without opening a video, one of them had the headline, most of the drain problems are right here and it showed the U joint.  I didn't want to go unscrewing things because before you know it, stuff falls out of whack and then it becomes a whole "go to Home Depot situation", but I turned the locks and opened it and was a little surprised to find it full of egg shells.  Mijo has been experimenting in the kitchen and he has been making stuff like the cauliflower salad, but I guess we didn't tell him not to send all the shells down the drain.  It was an easy fix and I just have to tell him not to do it, so problem fixed, but it just goes to show.  There is always something creeping up to keep you on your toes.

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