Thursday, July 22, 2021

7/22/21 Bothered A Bit By Boy Staying Home?

     We are not the kind to miss work and be lazy around here.  Neither Wife nor I ever really miss work unless it involves the holidays or something out of the ordinary.  I was surprised and even a little bothered yesterday when I saw Boy coming back in the house, telling me he didn't feel too good and was going to take a day off and rest.  This is where I have to remember that he is making a grown up decision and it doesn't affect me, even when my parent brain wants to yell at him and tell him to get his lame ass to work.

    The problem goes even farther because I see that he stays up most nights until 2:00-3:00am and then gets up all groggy and looks a mess in the morning.  I am not even sure if he showers in the mornings before work, I personally find that disgusting, but then again, I don't work with him.  He gets by most of the week by getting home around 6:00pm and sleeping until 8:00pm or so, then he spends whatever time gaming or hanging out with his girlfriend.  If this was just until midnight and then he went to bed, I wouldn't have as much of a problem with it, but it is at least until 2:00am, I have gotten up many times to pee or whatever or when I come home late from work and I find him just up, for no reason.  

    He was given the choice of either going in at 8:00am and getting out at 5:00pm or 9:00am to 6:00pm and I guess he chose the later times, and again it is all fine, I just wish he would rest more.  I remember getting by on very little sleep for a long time too, but that is because I was working night shift and then trying to function in a world where everything gets done during the day.  I guess my biggest worry is that someone at work will get upset with his behavior, be it he looking beat up and tired, or even stinky and haggard.

    He says he gets himself up by drinking a bunch of energy drinks and coffee, but is this the best way to live?  He has mentioned that they told him he will be promoted here at his one year mark and I am happy for him to get there, but I also believe that because he is still new to his job, he should be working extra hard to put his best self forward to make the best impression he can.  I wouldn't be impressed with some asshole who shows up late, un-showered, half asleep as my coworker, but I guess we are all living different paths.  It was just one day, I just told him to make sure this doesn't become a pattern, even though I could've gone on for hours.

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