Sunday, July 11, 2021

7/10/21 Back To The Future I-III?

     Yesterday, I wanted Baby A to watch a classic movie with us.  It had been awhile since we got his input into one of our classic movies we grew up with.  I thought it would be cool to watch Top Gun and we will watch it at some point, but somehow or other, we ended up on Back To The Future.  I told him it was pretty good and he would probably like it, but since he is a big strong boy, he would probably like the Biff character more (jokingly).  I honestly had not seen the movie in a good 20 years or more, so sitting back and getting into it was rather easy.  I do notice that older movies like this take their time giving you back story, which is good, but you can also see the phones turn on (all of us) because the action is slow in the beginning.

    Mijo was so annoyed by the George McFly (dad) character who would not stand up for himself in the present and in the past.  I enjoyed Doc's energy and I think he is what makes the movie special, Marty is kind of douch-y and just riding along in the movie, I thought, acting all "too cool for school" in most every scene.  The Delorean is still an iconic cool car even if in reality they were always pieces of crap in regards to reliability.  Once you get past the premise that a little liquified plutonium and some 80s technology could muster a time machine, the movie is rather fun silly.  Mijo was uncomfortable with the mom (Lea Thompson) trying to make out with the son once Marty is in the past and it was even more squirm-ish when I reminded him that was the same chick that had the weird love scene with Howard The Duck.

    Our kid was ready to give up on the movie seeing how everything was going against the "good guys" and how badly George's life was, mostly because he wouldn't stand up for himself, but then things start turning around and he got so involved with it that as soon as it ended he "needed to see what happened in part 2.  We sat there and watched the second movie within minutes of watching the first one.  I usually just fall asleep, but the movie was entertaining enough that I stuck with it.  I am not going into specifics of the movie because everyone has seen them or should.  I honestly had no recollection of the second one, other than I knew it was set in the future.  The first one was probably better, but the second one was still good, but they did use a lot of the same gags, running around the town square, Biff or Griff, ending up in manure...

    We ended up taking a nap, then going late to get some Zaxby's for dinner around 9pm and ending the night by watching the 3rd Back To The Future movie, which was set in the old west.  It was a lot harder to believe, Baby A was really bothered by the time traveling train at the end, but if you went along with the rest of the movie, just enjoy it.  It was a good lazy day, what else can I say?  Don't be so gullible, McFly.

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