Sunday, August 25, 2019

8/25/19 Dinner and A Conversation With Some Coppers?

    We are in the 2nd week of a shitty situation in regards to our land by Canyon Lake.  There is basically no ignoring it until we get it resolved.  Last week we found out somebody had dumped a trailer's worth of trash on our land.  We filed a report with the HOA so somebody would know we were handling it and not get the threatening letters to clean up or else.  Well, by Monday afternoon I got a certified letter from Comal County that we were in violation of blah blah blah for dumping trash on our property.  The HOA president had called me on Monday with a sheriff that if I wanted to file a police report I needed to do it in person.  I told him that sounded fine, but we needed to wait until the weekend.
    Yesterday, Wife had already said we were going to go and have dinner with her folks for partially my birthday and my brother in law's at Salt Grass.  This sounded fine with me, but we still had to stop at the land to see what had happened in a week.  We have only one neighbor out there, all the other lots around us are empty and wooded.  The guy came out and did this song and dance that he felt sorry for what had happened, he didn't see who did it, BUT he could get his trailer and clean it up for us for the cost of the dump charges of $78 and another $100 for the labor to pick the stuff up.  My father in law has talked to this guy over the years, so it seemed like they had a decent relationship.  My wife gave him some money along with my father and brother in law (we all share the land).
    The HOA president had called me Monday after the incident and said that nothing much had been done to the trash.  This was disappointing since we paid the guy, but all I could say is we will go by and check on it this weekend.  We got there around 6:00pm and the trash was still there, but it had been sorted to a high degree.  There was a small plastic kiddy pool and all the plastic trash was in this thing.  There was also a busted plastic bin and it had a bunch of stuff in it.  The rest of the stuff seemed to be metal pipes and stuff with metal parts to it.  Somebody had obviously put some work into it, but the bulk of the trash was still there.  Wife called the cops while I went and tried calling the neighbor.  He had a dog barking right outside his door, so I wasn't going to go knock, besides the house looks like where little kids disappear.  Wife called him and left a message if he would come out after calling the cops, but nothing.
    It was necessary to talk to the cops but I don't think there is much for anybody to do.  If the jerk next door decides to just keep our money, we can take him to small claims court, but for two hundred bucks, I don't know.  I think I could rent a U-haul trailer next weekend and get the last of the stuff picked up, if he hasn't.  Not that I have a lot of faith in him, but someone did at least separate the stuff, so I want to believe he tried doing the right thing.  The cops left saying they would add some comments to our report that we had been there and talked.
    I do love taking that back road from the lake to San Antonio, it is hilly and has some pretty views, compared to the freeway.  We got to the restaurant about 30 minutes late, they were starting to get their plates, but we ordered and ate just fine.  We hung out, eating some cake and conversing until close to 10:00pm.  Wife drove us back and we must have got back right around midnight.  We will probably be going back to Canyon Lake next week to clean up the mess.

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