Saturday, August 17, 2019

8/17/19 Business Idea: Big Mando's Limo Service?

    I am of course referring to driving Mr. Javalina around all week to his various practices at various times of the week.  It was bad enough Monday through Thursday when he had to be there at 7:15am and then was done with practice at 9:50am.  I had to stay up way longer than I was used to.  Wednesday was probably the worst as he also had to stay and get his school ID and then change his schedule.  We didn't get home until almost noon.  That one was bad but still watching the scrimmage in this heat, even though the scrimmage was set at 8:30am on Thursday, which meant it was still technically "cool" outside.  By the time we left, I think the thermometer in the car said 91, so it wasn't that hot, but with the humidity, one almost can't breath out there.  I know we have been outside after a cold front where the air is dry and the sun still makes it 85, it can still feel light and cool.  But when we are wearing that humidity pulled in from the gulf I guess, man, it makes the Texas heat, just ugly.
    Friday was supposed to be much more relaxed.  I still had to stay until 8:00am because I went in late, so I got out and stopped at McDonald's because I was hungry.  I had got up Thursday night and not eaten and headed straight to work.  Wife told me to stop and get breakfast but make sure and get something for Javalina, to be nice.  Ehh, I thought, but I did.  Turns out, he was already up at 8:30am, when I got home.  He ate his McDonald's bacon, egg, and biscuit happily while I ate two of them with my orange juice and hash brown.  I went to bed at 9:00am and told him to wake me around 12:30pm if he needed to be there by 1:15pm.  He did, which meant I slept about three hours.  He said he was going to review football film, which we got a copy and I really loved being able to watch it.
    He had also mentioned they were going to try and do the team picture, but in the end not enough of the kids showed up, so that will wait until next week.  I decided instead of going home and being on call to come pick him up, I would go to Academy and consider buying him some supplies to help him.  He complained about his chin strap not holding the helmet in place, so I bought him a new chinstrap that is supposed to be "the best".  I got him a new style of mouthpiece that allows him to breathe through a cutout in the middle.  It is supposed to also be the newest technology mouth piece wise and the packaging did say it guarantees itself with a $5000 insurance on the kid's teeth with or without braces.  My uncle, the runner had also showed him to be a more effective runner to breath through his mouth and this mouthpiece will allow that.  The third thing I got him was forearm pads, which I have been telling him he needs since his 7th grade days.  He has refused my guidance, but the last two weeks he has been coming home with various bruises on his forearms and I think he is finally agreeing I may be right.
    I finally picked him up at 4:00pm after I finished at Academy and went to Best Buy for another hour where I bought new ink for our printer and talked extensively to a couple of guys in the TV section about whether I would be happier with the new 85in screens or a new projector.  My concern is that the bulbs on projectors seem to burn out kind of fast.  They mentioned new laser projectors last much longer, but they also go for $5000 to over $25,000.  The 85 inch TVs seem to go from $2000 to $4000.  I think I see which one would be better, in the long run.
    We stopped to eat a little lunch at Bill Miller and Wife called saying she was on the road.  We stopped at the house and Javalina said he was going to work out, and although I just wanted to go to bed, I helped spot him while he did bench press, pushing him to add more weight.  I finally jumped in bed and slept until Wife texted that she was downstairs.  I kept waiting for her to come up and say hi, but of course, she came in and immediately started cleaning the house.  We ended the night by picking up Popeye's Chicken and eating at home.  I was just totally useless and couldn't even hold a conversation in the car as I could hear myself slurring and losing focus on our conversations.  I fell asleep by 10:00pm and woke up at 3:40am feeling much better.  It is currently 5:57am and I just finished writing this, which I started about 5:10am.  I do need to go back to bed as Wife wants to get up and go meet her folks in New Braunfels for lunch around 11:30am.  Right now, I could sleep another three hours, but I am sure I am going to mess it up as I am not sleepy right now.

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