Thursday, August 15, 2019

8/15/19 Crockett High Was Busy Busy?

    Yesterday, I spent about two hours on campus with Javalina getting his school ID and then trying to get with a counselor to change his schedule.  He should feel right at home, with the population being about the same as it was at Bedichek, about 90% hispanic.  I felt like I was back in High School back in Crystal City.  It was a super busy day, first of all, this whole week with the short practice sessions, I have been hanging out at work until 9:00am or so.  To add to the spinning around, Wife reminded us that this was the week to get his school ID and check his schedule if it would work out for us.  He still had band on there which he has now quit and he didn't have football which is a big one to not have on there.
    The first room we went to was a chemistry room which you could tell by the black desktops and drying racks on the walls by the sinks on the worktables along the wall.  For picture day though, they had the room full of chairs along a perimeter along the wall.  It took almost an hour to get around the room, they need better training instead of letting the one person do all the tasks of taking the pictures and entering the data on the database and verifying that this is person such and such.  I almost had to sit with Javalina and force him to stay there.  He had it in his head that he wanted to leave and come back on the Friday.  I said no.  I want to end my work week and go home and relax, not hang out in a high school.  He settled down some and by the time we got around halfway through the room, I told him I would go to the next room and start waiting for him in line.  The next place was where we saw the schedules and talked to the counselor to make changes if a class didn't work for the student.  We needed to drop band and add football.  Since it was an easy solution, we were eventually able to just talk to the counselor's secretary who said "yeah, just note it on the paper, and the counselor will make the change.
    We left his school around 11:00am and I decided I wanted to eat a brisket sandwich at Chief's.  We probably had not eaten there since he was in elementary school.  It was weird that it brought back thoughts of elementary school for Javalina and then one of the ladies in line turns to us and says "I know you two."  I said "Yeah, I was thinking you looked familiar too."  I mentioned our names and she said "Alejandro? Alex, OMG, you were one of my first kiddos."  It was his teacher from 2nd grade.  We didn't hardly recognize her because she has lost a bunch of weight by staying on Atkins for four years or something like that.  She invited Alex to go visit her classroom sometime and we said our goodbyes.  I got home close to noon and just fell dead asleep.  One more day, he has his first scrimmage in an hour, so I am waiting here at work and heading over to Burger stadium at 8:00am.

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