Monday, April 8, 2019

4/8/19 Organizing Boy On A Sunday?

    I didn't mean to do it but after walking into Boy's room to get the dirty dishes he left in there while spending the night at his GF, I found myself doing more and more.  I figured well, might as well wash all the clothes that I see on the floor.  I must have been more asleep than awake, I started pulling all the sheets stuck between his mattress and bed frame which means socks and old shirts started coming out.  Then Wife's words sort of hit me.  Boy has always been a little ADHD, he does not have good organizational skills.  I have always come and cleaned his room about once or twice a year where I take everything apart and really clean up.  I guess I had been thinking that he is now 25, he should be able to do the simple things on his own, but I guess not.  I then decided to just hunker down and tackle his closet which I had been telling him for months that it was unacceptable.  He had a nice pile in his very big walk in closet which measures a huge 4ft x 10ft of stuff almost a foot high.
    We were convinced that he only had like two underwear and 1-2 pairs of socks, even though we keep buying him new ones.  Well, I found like 30 pairs of socks and at least 25 underwear, most of them were still folded like they were clean just sitting on the floor like part of that huge pile.  I pulled up like 5 jeans and maybe 30 shirts going all the way back to his high school days.  There was also a handful of bed sheets, a sleeping bag and like 5 head to toe onesies that look like Halloween costumes of different Poke-Mon.  I was quite pissed going through then I realized the problem.  His dresser drawers are full of old electronic parts and old video games, he is like a hamster, just balls up everything and saves it.  He doesn't really have a place for any of the clothes on the floor in the closet.  I went and got a small furniture thing with drawers and filled one with socks, one with underwear, one with shirts, one with shorts and warm-ups, and the bottom one I forced the 5 onesies in there.  At this point it was noon, Wife woke and we went to Sam's to get him the new mattress he has been asking about and a new bed frame.
    It wasn't until I pulled up the box spring that I noticed what he meant by his bed was broken.  The wood parts that hold the mattress and box springs was completely broken off on one side, probably from the days of wrestling with the boys.  He had somehow shoved a pallet under there and it kind of worked, but I fixed it correctly by removing the rest of the wood frame support and replacing it with a metal one inside his bed frame.  By now it was like 4:30pm and he finally showed up.
    I was beat to shit from spending all day bent over cleaning, but we finished installing the mattress together, all the bad words we had yelled at each other melted away, and he actually told me he and his GF would finish cleaning up the clutter.  I was happily pleased to check in later after my shower and the grill was on that he did clean it up and the room actually looked bigger and cleaner than it has in a long time.
    It made for a great evening.  He was then able to focus on studying and homework while we grilled, I went outside to watch and help Javalina throw the shotput in the yard while we grilled and Girlie and her BF were here visiting and they joined us for dinner.  It almost felt like the old days with a full house of people and activities going on all over the house.  We were done by 10:00pm, Wife went up and showered at 9:30, Javalina had already showered, I walked our guests out, and even I fell asleep at 11:00pm waiting on the last load from the dryer, I call that a pretty full Sunday

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