Saturday, April 20, 2019

4/20/19 Wal-Mart After Dark Is Still Scary?

    I knew it would suck but when problems arise, they have to be dealt with.  Just last week I got pissed at Boy for leaving the house at 2:00am and wandering around Wal-Mart to clear his head from too much homework.  I don't care about the hour, I care about the clientele that hangs around Wal-Mart at that hour.  Well, tonight, it was my turn to go and dance with my luck.  It seems that the drain in our shower has decided to get plugged up.  Several times before, I removed the lid and there I would find a big glob of hair.  When I went and looked for it, Wife said she took care of it.  I am afraid that her taking care of it meant pushing it along so she wouldn't have to touch it and now it has made a plug further down.  I normally just grab it and deal with the funk, it stinks like ass, but you throw it in a bag and wash your hands and it is over.  I know full well Wife wouldn't touch something stinky like that, any bad smells make her gag.
    Anyways, this is what took me to Wal-Mart in the middle of the night.  I came home kind of thinking about it and when I went upstairs for my nap I saw water pooled in the shower stall, and that is no bueno.  I tried my 2 foot long plastic rod with the thorns like a rose bush and it didn't catch anything, so the plug must be lower than that.  I noticed water in the tub too, so the plug must be past where the two meet at this point.  I found a 15ft snake at Wal-Mart to push down the drain and see if I can unclog it that way.  I figure the tub is on the 2nd floor and it is about 2ft from the wall and then about 9ft for the first floor, 15ft should get me to the 4 inch main drain outside the house, at least I hope.  I have other, more aggressive things I can try if this doesn't work, but I need time to set those up.  I can shove the water hose with that balloon thing that inflates to the size of the pipe and then forces water through, but I need to run a hose from outside up to the 2nd floor.  I could also dump some Drano, but I am not a fan of stinky chemicals, but back to Wal-Mart.
    There was the requisite guy sitting in the car having trouble with a sick baby and could he borrow a couple bucks?  There was the heroin addict or at least man-child weighing 95 pounds sitting on an electric store wheelchair riding around the handicap car parking area like it was a ride at the fair.  Oh yeah, I almost bumped into the aggressive lady with wide hips and neck tattoos with courtesy bleached hair.  How about Hekyll and Jekyll both covered in arm tattoos arguing over who was paying for their 2-3 grocery items.  Oh shit, I can't forget Father Time over in the automotive section.  The guy looked like he was 90 and wiry strong but dirty like he had never met a shower he liked.  I used to routinely go to Wal-Mart at night and buy this and that, but over the last five years, I don't think it is safe anymore.  This is why I worry about Boy going out there alone.

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